3. Remus

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What a wonderful night. Remus finally found his mate. Being on opposite sides of the war, it's no wonder they hadn't found each other before. Why he was in the Forbidden Forest, Remus didn't know or care. Whatever it was it brought Remus straight to him.

Remus knew he should have waited before marking his mate, but his wolf had been waiting too long. It would not wait any longer to claim his mate. Now the poor thing will turn into a werewolf on the next full moon without knowing why, unless Remus can find him before then and explain.
His mind made up to do just that, Remus made his usual after the full moon trek to the medical wing to be checked out and to get some much-needed sleep. However, when he got there things were not how they usually are. Poppy and the Headmaster were hovering around a bed that appeared to be occupied by a student.

As Remus got closer, he gasped. It was his cub, Harry laying on the bed. "What happened?" he demanded.

"Don't you already know?" Inquired the Headmaster. Suddenly he got a terrible headache and felt dizzy. The Headmaster caught him and led him to the bed across from Harry's, never losing eye contact. Remus tried to close his eyes, turn his head, do something to fight back, but he was too tired from the transformation last night.

Slowly he watched the memories of his mate disappear. Everything from the night before is gone. His head is ponding. He starts to get new images but before they can form, he hears another's voice.

The interruption is enough to break the connection with the Headmaster. He is aware enough to know that it is Severus who has entered the medical wing. Remus is asked a few questions, and he answers them, but he couldn't tell you what was said. Suddenly he feels another intrusion in his brain but this time much more gently. Just an investigation not a rape, like last time. Why he thinks that he doesn't know. Does his wolf know something he doesn't?

Remus looks at Severus, almost as if asking for help. Severus just looks to the Headmaster. "So, did he do it?" Severus asks.

The Headmaster replies, "That is yet to be determined. You walked in before I could talk to the dear boy."

Severus turns to Remus, "Well Lupin, did you finally get tired of being the only werewolf around here and decided to make Harry one?"

Remus jumps up in outrage, "Don't be ridiculous. I could never hurt my cub." Then he had a flash of a sweet smell and then of biting someone. "Oh god. I think I might have. I remember smelling something so sweet and wonderful and then I remember biting someone, but I can't remember who. It had to be Harry, but why? Why would I bite him?"

Poppy just shook her head and looked at him in a disappointed way. Severus looked like he was ready to hex Remus into oblivion, and Albus just smiled and had a twinkle in his eye.

"That sweet smell dear boy was the smell of your mate. You bit him to mark him." Dumbledore said. 

Remus looked at Dumbledore in disbelief. His senses were still heightened being the morning after the full moon so he could smell Harry and he could not smell himself on Harry. It was a different Werewolf that bit him. Remus looked at Severus, right in the eye, trying to convey to him to read his mind. When he felt the gentle nudge on his mind, he knew that Severus was in, and he let him know what he discovered. Severus's expression didn't change at all. Remus hoped that was because of Severus's superb skills in acting thanks to all his years as a spy. He really needed Severus to know that he didn't do this. Remus looked to the floor as if in defeat, mainly because if Severus didn't believe him then he was defeated. 

Remus looked over to Harry and approached his bed. No one tried to stop him. He sat in a chair and held Harry's hand. That is where exhaustion took him, and he fell asleep in the chair.  

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