21. Skoll/Harry

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Skoll watched closely as Mooney's Alpha approached him slowly and sniffed him. He noticed the Alpha was tentative but wasn't showing any aggression. He seemed mostly curious. After sniffing Skoll and then sniffing Mooney, he seemed satisfied with whatever he wanted to figure out. He started to yip like a puppy with his tail wagging and he licked Mooney on the neck.

Mooney's Alpha then approached the Beta cautiously. There was no sniffing going on leading Skoll to believe that these three wolves knew each other and were just upset about their Submissives being so near other Alphas. Mooney's Alpha and Skoll's Beta seemed to come to an understanding and they just turned towards the larger Alpha. Skoll's Alpha. Keeping Mooney behind them, but not blocking access to Skoll, the smaller Alpha and the Beta proceeded to approach the larger Alpha. Their heads where down in submission ears back, whining, pleading with the Alpha to accept the situation.

Skoll watched as his Alpha howled into the night signaling they were pack. The other two jumped up and howled along with him, tails wagging. He then approached Mooney. Sniffing him as the smaller Alpha had sniffed Skoll. He then sniffed Skoll and went back to sniffing Mooney. It finally dawned on Skoll that they were picking up on the fact that they smell similar because they are a two wolf pack because Skoll is Mooney's cub. That is what relieved the tension in the other wolves. That is what the larger Alpha seemed to pick up on.

Skoll was ecstatic. He had found his mate. Or in this case mates. He never thought there would be two of them. He could tell from the scents that his Alpha is the one who bit him and his Beta. Just like the scent of the other Alpha was mixed with Mooneys scent which meant Mooney bit him.

Skoll being the youngest kept jumping around in his excitement, while the others watched on in amusement. He finally stopped next to his Alpha and licked his muzzle then ran off further into the woods. He could tell from the sounds behind him that the others were giving chase and a couple of them were gaining on him.

He was tackled to the ground and at first thought he was in trouble for his actions but when he rolled over and looked at his Alpha he noticed the playful expression on his face with tail wagging. Now knowing he was not in trouble he darted out from underneath the Alpha and took off again. This time however they just ran together instead of playing chase.

Skoll looked behind him to find out where Mooney was and realized he wasn't with them. He panicked and came to a halt. He turned around and scented the air trying to find him. This is the first time they have not been together since his first turning. He started to pace back and forth. He knew that his Alpha and Beta were trying to calm him down but he was having none of that. He wanted Mooney.

He howled and heard a response howl. He charged in the direction of the familiar howl. When he found Mooney he tackled him and kept licking his muzzle. He was so happy to be back with his friend. The other three wolves just looked on fondly.

Skoll suddenly gave a big yawn and laid down. The others followed suit and they formed a large wolf pile. Suddenly Skoll is awakened by his Alpha growling. He looks around and sees both Alphas and the Beta standing over him and Mooney looking off into the distance. The two submissives stand up and attempt to stand in line with them, ready to fight whatever is coming.

The two Alphas nip at them making them jump back behind them. They nuzzle their mates as if they were saying goodbye, and then proceeded to try to chase them off in the opposite direction they were originally staring at. Skoll whines, not wanting to go. His Alpha turns back around and growls into the distance again. When he turns back to Skoll his eyes look sad and he seems to be pleading with him to run.

Mooney knocks him with his muzzle pushing him in the direction the others want the two of them to run. With one last look at his mates, Skoll gives in and takes off in the direction away from the threat, Mooney fast on his heels.

The run until they reach the edge of the forest. It is still too early to change back so they don't dare leave the forest yet. They look back in the direction they came from but they are too far away to hear anything. Skoll decides to lay back down and try to get some more sleep. He hopes that when he wakes up he will be with his mates again.

No such luck. When Harry wakes up in the morning it is just he and Remus. He wakes Remus up so they can discuss the night before, before they go back to Grimauld Place.

"I wish they were here so we could learn who they were" Harry stated.

"I know cub, but at least we have finally met them, even if it was just as wolves. That's something at least. We can comeback here next month."

"Remmy, there is something that is curious though."

"What is that?"

"My Alpha smelled like you. Or should I say you smelled like him. I think the same werewolf who bit me, my Alpha, also bit you."

"Oh Merlin, in that case that means your Alpha is Fenrir Greyback."

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