Chapter 11: Lights out Part 2

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A/N: I'm back after almost a year! If anyone is still reading this fanfic, I'll honestly be pretty surprised. But if you are here, here's a decent long chapter to make up for it. Enjoy!

P.S. Important announcement will be made after this chapter. Please keep an eye out for it.

David escorted you to the washroom and shower area at Camp Campbell. You thanked him and carefully made your way inside. As if you were in some sort of cheap cliched horror movie, the lights flickered eerily once you had flipped the light switch on.

"Yikes. This place could really use some work."

The washroom didn't look disgusting. You could tell that it was cleaned regularly but you couldn't help but notice how out of date everything looked. The place could really use a makeover.

You placed your bag on top of the sink counter top and began to fumble around with the things you brought from home. Your cheeks soon turned red as you realized the idiotic mistake you had made. Pretty much all you had packed was lingerie.

What were you thinking?! Was your brain THAT focused on somehow in some miraculous way hoping that you'd get boned by the counselor here?

"Ugh...I'm an idiot. I must've only had David on my mind when I was packing up. There's gotta be something more appropriate in here."

You rummaged through the bag and was finally able to pull out a green pair of pajamas covered with bunnies printed on it.

You began to undress yourself and swiftly put on the pajamas

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You began to undress yourself and swiftly put on the pajamas. You looked at yourself in the mirror and twirled around to capture a full view on how you looked. "A little tight, I admit, but...this is all I have. I'll go shopping when I get a day off." You reassured yourself as you gathered your belongings together and left the washroom.

David was already waiting for you outside; still dressed in his counselor uniform. "Is everything alright?" You asked; examining him up and down.

"Oh, whoopsie! I forgot to explain it to you since you're new but I just sleep in my uniform. It makes it easier for me to be able to just jump right out of bed in the morning and get an early start on a brand new glorious day at our dear Camp Campbell~" David stated proudly; his fingers forming the campe Diem salute once again.

You stared at him in disbelief; hoping he'd follow up by saying he was just kidding around. A few moments passed by, but nothing happened but absolute silence. Oh god...was he being serious?!

"D-David. That's not good for you. There's no way you can seriously be comfortable sleeping like that. Do you have anything else to wear?" You questioned. David's index finger rose to the bottom of his lips as he closed his eyes and pondered to himself.

"Hmmm. Nope! Not that I can think of. I mean I have a cute sleeping cap that I like to wear sometimes for fun but that's about it." You placed your thumb and index finger between your nose bridge. This situation was unbelievable to you.

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