Chapter 6: Welcome to the Camp Campbell Team

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As the sun began to set and parent's day was coming to a close, you decided to look for Preston one final time; hoping you could salvage your relationship with him. You saw him talking to Harrison but just as you were about to approach him, David tapped you on the shoulder.

"Y/N, I am so sorry to bother you. I know you were most likely about to say your final goodbyes to Preston and leave for the day but Gwen and I wanted to ask you something." I peered behind David to look at Gwen who leaning against the counselor's cabin's wall typing away on her cellphone. She did a little wave to you without looking up from her screen.

You turned back to where you had saw Preston and noticed he had already vanished. You sighed as your eyes met with David's. "Of course. What's up?" You asked; putting on a small smile, hoping his question would be simple and short so you could quickly catch up with Preston. "Well, Camp Campbell's been in quite a fix lately. If you're unemployed at the moment, Gwen and I would be happy to have you on the team."

You stood there; unable to process what the young counselor had just offered to you. You blinked twice as you continued staring at him before finally speaking "B-But Huh? What?" You looked around the camp and back at both David and Gwen; confused and unsure of how to respond to them.

"Oh, Y/N! Don't be silly! The kids adored you today! You would fit right in. Maybe even be better at it than me, dare I say~ Don't you see? You have everything Camp Corp looks for in a camp counselor: family friendly, cooperative, and never turning away a child who wants to go to camp! You made so many of the campers smile today; especially Neil. Just like Max; he's usually a tough egg to crack." David confessed with excitement and joy bursting out of every single sentence he said to you.

You were flattered, you admitted. In a way, you honestly wanted to stay. The kids here were surprisingly sweet with you and you couldn't help but be more and more curious about getting to know David. You found yourself wanting to spend more and more time with him. And this was your chance.

You shook yourself from your daydream as you slowly came to the conclusion that it probably wasn't the best idea to stay here all summer with you and Preston's relationship being so rocky. "Please...let me think about it and talk it over with Preston." You said quietly and gave David a soft smile of reassurance. David smiled back and gave you a nod of approval before returning to go talk with Gwen.

How would this even work? Would this be a good way for you and Preston to grow closer over the summer? After all, you were looking for a new job.

Although guilt was eating you up over your damaged relationship with your cousin, your mind couldn't help but wander thinking about having a summer with someone like David by your side. Why was he entering your thoughts this way? What exactly were your feelings towards him?

Before you could come to any sort of conclusion, "Ahem." You heard someone clear their throat. You swiftly turned around to see Preston standing behind you.

"Ugh. Is this a thing you picked up at this camp or something? Ominously standing behind someone in hopes to scare them shitless? That boy; Neil did the same damn thing." You complained as you rolled your eyes at your cousin.

"I overheard you and David." He simply stated before looking up at you. "Oh. Don't worry. I don't plan on taking the job. David really hyped me up but I already know I wouldn't be good at this sort of stuff. Plus I'm not too keen on the outdoors." You explained; hoping he would understand and wouldn't become even more enraged with you for possibly ruining his summer.

"Take it. My friends..they all like you. If you can at least have good relationships with them, then that's enough for me to believe that my cousin from before, the cousin who didn't make fun of my interests, will return to me." He declared before immediately turning away and dashing off towards the tent grounds with tears in his eyes.

You thought about chasing after him but you had no idea which tent even belonged to him and you were honestly so tuckered out from being with the kids all day and dealing with Preston's drama. You took a defeated breathe before returning back to the counselor's cabin.

You knocked on the door and entered to see Gwen writing in a diary and David at a desk doing paperwork. Once David saw you, he leapt up from his seat and skipped his way over to you. "Made a decision yet? It's okay if you say no but if you say yes, we'll celebrate with a bonfire and s'mores lateeer~" He teased; waiting eagerly for your response.

You sighed and pointed outside towards the mess hall where you both could see the Camp Campbell flag from here. David stared at the flag and back towards you with a smile slowly creeping up onto his face. "Campe Diem~" You said; cutely teasing David back.

David squealed with delight before taking you into his arms; hugging you tightly. You looked back at Gwen who glanced up from her diary to give you a thumbs up. You gave a thumbs up back. This was going to be a long interesting summer.

Bonus scene

You made your way to the bus as you explained to quartermaster that you needed to grab some important things from home since you were now going to be joining David and Gwen in the counselor's cabin. QuarterMaster left for a moment saying he had something important to take care of, so you patiently waited for him in the dark near the bus doors. Suddenly you felt a tap on your leg.

You jumped and screamed in horror only to find Max hiding behind you. "God damn it! You kids gotta stop doing that shit! It's NOT FUNNY." You scolded as Max rolled his eyes at you.

"Oh, shut up. You think I'm an idiot? I know that play was probably based off you and Preston. He told Nikki and I that it was just based off a situation a friend of his back home went through with his own cousin. But I call bullshit like I see it. I take it all of that shit that went down in the play actually happened between you and Preston. Except you two didn't make up, did you? He still hates your guts." I stood there; completely shocked.

Everything Max was saying was true and you didn't know how to defend yourself from it at all. "Jeez, It sure would suck if all the campers found out how badly you treated Preston back then, huh? They may even think everything you did with them today was just you being fake towards them and in reality, you're really laughing behind all of their backs! They'd fucking HATE you, just like Preston does."

Max had cornered you like a twisted game of cat and mouse. You had no idea what to say in order to clear your name or prove that your feelings had changed. That you saw what you did back then was wrong and how you don't feel that way anymore.

"And now you're working here. Oh this'll be good. Welcome to camp, you fake goody two shoed bitch." Max said; before returning back to his tent.

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