Chapter 4: Impressing David

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You agreed to join David and Max after David continuously apologized about Max's consistent cursing. "I really appreciate you offering to help me out, Y/N. Running a camp and keeping up with everyone's camptivities; especially at a camp like this, can make just about anyone scatterbrained. What makes matters worse is how my dear co-counselor; Gwen had to leave for a job interview just awhile ago too."

You recalled your memory of the dark skinned girl with purple eyes who had shouted earlier. So that's who she was. David continued talking to you explaining who Gwen was as Max sulked behind you both.

As you both were chatting, you overheard a young girl cry. David ran over to a dark skinned girl wearing a blue cape and hand made elf ears; leaving you and Max alone. "Oh gosh, what in the name of fun happened, Nerris? Why are you crying?" David demanded to know, hoping he knew how to fix the problem of the crying girl.

"M-My dad broke my wand! It was so valuable and accompanied me on so many of my quests!" She whined as her mother glared at her husband and he held the broken wand in his hands. David took the wand from Nerris' dad's hands. As David examined it, he realized it was just a painted stick. "Nothing a little glue can't fix up!" David said; smiling brightly as he began to leave to fix the child's toy.

"No need to go anywhere~" You said in a confident tone. You walked over to everyone holding something behind your back as Max watched from afar. "Ta-da!" You exclaimed proudly as you pulled out an aqua blue painted stick with purple stars and swirls decorated on it. There was even glitter all around the entire stick.

Nerris' eyes lit up with joy as she carefully took the "wand" from you and held it tightly in her hand. "It's beautiful! And surprisingly much bigger than my last wand as well! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU, Y/N!" Nerris' said as she rushed in to hug your legs. Nerris' parents looked at you with a look of approval and gratitude as you patted Nerris' head before she ran back to play with her parents.

David stared in awe at what had just happened. Even Max seemed a little surprised by how the whole ordeal had turned out. "Y/N! T-That was incredible!" David confessed as he threw his arms up happily; eyes sparkling ever so brightly at you.

"Ah, It was nothing. Just something I quickly whipped up by using some of the arts & crafts supplies I found at one of the camp tables. I've had jobs before where I, myself, have had to work with kids. So let's just say I have some tricks up my sleeves on how to keep 'em happy." You said playfully before winking at David which caused him to form a small hint of red tint on his face. "Well? What's next?" You said, eager to meet the other campers and spend more time with David in hopes of impressing him even more.

As the day pressed on, you, David, and Max went around checking the other camp spaces making sure everything was going according to plan. You helped Dolph model for a picture he wanted to paint, you assisted Harrison in a magic act, you attempted to learn how to skateboard with Ered, ( Even though you ended up sucking. She still thought it was cool of you to try to do something out of your comfort zone. ), you managed to talk Nurf out of bullying a fellow camper and reflect on his insecurities, played fetch with Nikki, and even helped space kid design new blueprints for his cardboard space ship. All in all, it felt like a good day. You felt like you really bonded with the kids and had charmed David with your skills.

"Hmm..I haven't seen Neil in awhile. I hope he's okay. He doesn't appear to be at his camping area." David said worryingly as he circled the area labeled "science camp."

"Perhaps he's off with his own parents somewhere?" I suggested before Max snickered at my response. "Oh please, Neil's daddy is probably off with Nikki's mom once again playing "doctor" on each other." He sneeringly said, trying to hold back his laughter. "Maaax. Stop it. Y/N doesn't need to know about any of that and frankly neither do I." David warned as he frowned disapprovingly at what Max had just said. 

"I'm literally right behind you all." Neil stated coldly, with a tired annoyed look in his eyes. You gasped at the sudden sneak attack from the child as you turned around to face him meanwhile David screamed like a little girl and Max didn't react at all.

"And what you said is true, Max. That is what he's doing. I feel like that's the only reason he came this time was to just hook up with Nikki's mom again. It pisses me off." He sulked and began messing around with stuff on the science table in front of us. David frowned at what he had just overheard; grasping at what to say in a situation like this.

"Like I said, you'll fucking learn. You can't count on parents. They're all assholes. In fact, all grown ups are assholes." Max declared as he gave David and you the coldest icy glare you had ever felt in your life. You felt guilty but you didn't even know what for.

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