Chapter 9: Kissing wounds

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David continued to hold onto your hand tightly as you both made your way back to the counselor's cabin. Although your eyes were still puffy and red, you couldn't help but gently smile at David's tender actions towards you.

After entering the cabin, David guided you towards his bed. "Just rest here. The first aid kit is in my desk." He stated; rushing over to his desk. You stood there awkwardly and looked down at the bed before you. Your face tensed up; wondering if it was truly okay to sit down on his bed.

You slowly bent your knees and sat down cautiously letting  your lower body sink into the soft bedding. "Hm. Surprisingly more comfortable than I thought it'd be." You thought to yourself. You let out a sigh of relief while closing your eyelids; completely forgetting about the wound you had just received earlier. Suddenly, you heard a loud sound near your feet.

You opened your eyes immediately; bringing your eye contact down to the floor to see what had caused the sound. David was sitting down between your legs; smiling up at you. You noticed the rubbing alcohol and bandages but you couldn't take your focus off the fact that you were sitting on a man's bed for the first time and not only that, he was also literally sitting right in between your legs.

Bad scenarios were playing out in your head thinking about what the others would think if someone were to walk in right now and not notice the first aid kit beside David. You patted your cheeks repeatedly in hopes to make the redness in your face somehow vanish and moved back from David so you could close your legs. David noticed this but didn't think nothing of it.

He lifted your lower leg slowly as he began to inspect your wound. "Yeppers, this is quite the boo boo, if I do say so myself! This might sting a bit but trust me when I say that you're in good hands." He assured you while preparing the cotton pad with alcohol.

This obviously wasn't the first time you had gotten a scrape, so you figured a little rubbing alcohol wouldn't bother you at all. But with all the emotions from today and the fact that you were already recovering from crying earlier, you couldn't help but let out a small yelp as David began pressing the cold soaked cotton pad onto your knee.

"O-Oh gosh! Are you okay? I did try to warn you but I should've been more careful and—" You giggled to yourself as you watched David panic. You could tell that he was someone who probably gets flustered and worried quite easily. This gave you an idea.

You told David that you were fine and he continued bandaging you up. He grinned in satisfaction once he finished securing the square bandage onto your knee.

"All done! Does it still hurt, Y/N? Can you stand up?" David asked; while placing the remaining items and trash into the first aid kit for now. You pouted cutely and shook your head "No."

"I admit, it does feel a little better but what you said earlier got me thinking." You confessed as you raised your index finger onto your lips.

David scratched his head cluelessly as he tried to recall what he had said earlier that would make you so curious. He snapped his fingers and looked back up at you with delight.

"Oh, about how hugs always make me feel better? Do you need another one? There's always enough hugs to go around here at Camp Campbell!" He exclaimed happily as he began to stand back up so he could help you stand in order to deliver another hug to you.

"Somewhat like that...but something even better that would help the pain go away even faster." You said; which stopped David in his tracks. He sat back down in front of you; awaiting your answer with anticipation. "Anything for a fellow co-counselor! What is it?"

You began to regret your bold suggestion; wondering if you were even brave enough to say it to a man you had only known for two days. "A...A kiss would..make it better. Possibly. Maybe. Who knows." You muttered under your breath; unable to make direct eye contact with David after asking for such a favor.

Your face was heating up but you managed to turn your gaze back to David; hoping what you had suggested wasn't something too forward. You didn't want to make things awkward between you two. David was still staring up at you. His eyes wide and his own face heating up from what you had just said.

"God, if he looks this cute while blushing, I may have to tease him more this summer." You thought as you tilted your head at the young man.

David coughed; trying his best to clear his throat as his eyes darted around the cabin before finally coming back to you. "Y-Yeah, I can do that! It's no different from umm..parental love! Heh...Yeah." He declared before letting out a nervous chuckle. You could tell he was sweating a bit. Probably from his face turning red at your sudden suggestion to him.

David took a deep breath as he grabbed onto the back of your lower leg; pulling you closer to him. You both were embarrassed from the situation but wanted to continue eagerly. You closed your eyes; preparing yourself for what David was going to do next. You suddenly heard a small kiss sound but not on your lips like you had hoped.

You opened your eyes; looking downward to see David had planted a kiss on top of your bandaged knee. "...I should've been more specific." You thought; while letting out a small sigh.

Maybe it was for the best that David hadn't kissed you on the lips like you had planned. You two only knew each other for a couple of days but still you couldn't help but want more and more from him.

You reassured yourself that you were satisfied on the outcome of the situation; just happy that David hadn't turned down your idea until you suddenly felt another kiss on your leg. But this time it was on your cold skin. You noticed David hadn't stopped kissing your leg. But why?

You bit your lip; whimpering softly as he continued placing kisses onto your leg. You pondered if you should've stopped him or not but before you could come to a decision, you felt him place his lips somewhere else. He had taken his attention off your knee area and had gently placed a kiss on your inner thigh.

Unable to react to what had just happened in time, Gwen had loudly swung open the cabin door once again. David immediately moved himself away from your thigh; grabbing onto the first aid kit as he smiled at Gwen.

"Please tell me she didn't see anything.." You begged to yourself as you sat up properly; closing your legs shut.

"Jesus fucking CHRIST! I am so sick of taking care of those ungrateful brats! I'm turning in early for the night. You two can take care of lights out." Gwen huffed as she plopped onto her own bed; hiding under the covers. David and you both gave a sweet sigh of relief before looking at one another.

What had just happened? Should you even bring it up? What would you even say?

"Um...We should go let the campers know it's lights out." David stiffly suggested to you as he stood up; first aid kit in his hands. You nodded; making your way off David's bed to stand up. The two of you left the cabin; unable to even look at each other.

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