Chapter 8: The Great Nerf Gun War

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A/N: AAAAAHHH I can't believe it's been a DECADE since I've updated. 👀 Just kidding. But Happy New Year, everyone! It's been awhile since I've updated, so grab some popcorn and get ready for a long boi chapter.

The day went by with Gwen and David properly showing you around the campgrounds, going through procedures and rules to follow, and observing them as they both took turns explaining to the children what the daily camptivity would be.

"You may get overwhelmed at first with all of these little assholes causing you chaos on a daily basis but trust me, you sadly get used to it."  Gwen miserably told you right before a nerf gun bullet hit her in the eye. "And on that note, I'm taking my fucking break." She announced before storming off towards the counselor's cabin.

David looked at you nervously; trying to smile and make light of the situation. "I-I admit our campers are than other camp's kids but that's what makes them so special!"

"Shut the fuck up, David! Nobody cares about you!" Max yelled loudly as he aimed a nerf gun bullet at David's head this time and ran off along with the other kids who were playing with the same toys. David rubbed his head where Max had hit him; a sullen look appearing on the once happy counselor's face.

You began to speak up wanting to ask David more personal questions about himself; in hopes that maybe you two had something in common that you could work with. You suddenly felt a small hand holding onto yours and you looked down to see Neil smiling up at you in anticipation. You awkwardly looked back up to David and then took your focus back onto Neil.

"Y-Yes, Neil? What's wrong?" You asked; removing your hand from his grasp. "I was hoping you'd like to continue with yesterday's experiment. I finally realized what I did wrong, but I may need a second opinion before testing it out. Care to join me?" He offered.

The kid was basically giving you the puppy dog eyes or at least that's what it felt like to you. You looked back to David; trusting that he'd know what to say to the young boy.

"Oh don't worry, Y/N! Us counselors have to split up all the time during free time like this in order to allow each of the kids to enjoy their own little thing. Go ahead and get some fun learning experience from our dear Neil here."

"NOOOOOO" You thought to yourself as you panicked on the inside.

"I'll just go supervise the others during their little game." He said; gleaming at you while patting your back side. You and Neil gasped as you were all caught off guard as yet another nerf gun bullet hit David. He sighed and slumped over as space kid walked by with a nerf gun.

"Space kid. May I please borrow that?" He pleaded to the child who only smiled and immediately handed the toy over to David. David walked off towards the rest of the kids with space kid following by his side like a cute little chick with his mother. Meanwhile, Neil dragged you over to his science camp area.

You felt like hours had went by as Neil continued to go on and on about things you didn't understand. No matter how fast you seemed to be writing, Neil always seemed to talk faster and faster to the point where you just couldn't keep up anymore. You had to admit it was adorable to see how serious he was about a passion like this.

Watching his eyes light up as he talked about his experiments made you wish that your job here would some how hopefully over time make you feel the exact same way. But boy, did this kid sure talk a lot. You could feel yourself getting a migraine just from trying to fully understand every detail he was describing to you.

"I admit, I did want to give the poor kid some confidence in his hobby. But if I have to do this every single day, I'll lose my mind!" You thought silently to yourself as you could vaguely hear the sounds of laughing children behind you and Neil.

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