Chapter 7: First day on the Job

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It was a brand new day at Camp Campbell. You heaved heavily as you set down the final piece of luggage you had brought in for your new job at the camp.

"Ah, Y/N, you dropped this!" A voice called out. David came running into the counselor's cabin holding onto a dark colored lipstick in his palm and held it out to you. You nervously grabbed the cosmetic from him as you could feel your cheeks heating up from embarrassment already.

"Must've fallen out from one of the boxes. Heh. Thanks, David!" You managed to get out, without stuttering like an idiot while swaying the lipstick side to side in your hand. "I'll be honest with you though. You won't get much opportunities to wear makeup here at Camp Campbell. In fact, I believe Gwen only wears it when she goes out for her interviews." David explained as he made his way over to his desk to sit down.

You laughed sheepishly. "Aha, well you never know when the perfect opportunity to wear it might come along~" You proposed; wondering if you putting on these kinds of things would even catch David's eye in the first place.

"And what opportunity would that be?" David asked; grabbing his clipboard as he stood up and made his way back over to you. He was once again smiling from ear to ear.

Seriously, how could someone constantly look this happy? Just looking at his smile made your heart want to do somersaults inside of you.

" would be—" Before you could finish your sentence, the cabin door swung open. Gwen was standing there with a pissed off expression on her face.

"David, I know it's early and you were going to help Y/N unpack and get settled in but these kids are already driving me FUCKING CRAZY." Although you were thankful that Gwen had interrupted you at the right time, you couldn't help but feel slightly bitter that your time with David was already being cut short.

David sighed as his eyes made his way towards the floorboards of the cabin. "And here I thought at least Y/N's first day here would go smoothly. Ah well! Guess it's time to seize the new day!" He proclaimed as he put his hands on his hips and his smile suddenly returned.

"Feel free to join us once you're done, Y/N~ It shouldn't be that hard to track us down." David said; putting his hand on your shoulder and giving you another one of his positive smiles before making his way out of the cabin.

Gwen rolled her eyes at the scene and looked back to you. "Honestly, I don't blame you if you just wanna take this day to relax and chill. Cause that's what I'd fucking do." Gwen admitted to you before letting the door slam shut.

Just like that, you were left all alone in a room you were unfamiliar with. As you began to unpack, your mind began to wander as you turned around and stared at David's desk and bed area.

You were alone and this was the perfect chance to go through his stuff in order to get whatever information you could about the man. Maybe even figure out some of his interests so you could use the new info to impress him even further. You shook your head violently trying to get the bad idea out of your head.

You spent a few more moments unpacking; shoving all of your clothes and belongings into the empty drawer your fellow co-counselors had made for you. You knees cracked as you finally stood up from finishing your task and made your way over to the doorway.

Your eyes trailed away as you looked over what all was placed on David's desk. Your eyes widen as you noticed a green Camp Campbell shirt on the desk with a small sticky note attached to it.

"Here's your uniform. Glad to have you on the team, Y/N! Campe Diem! With love, David."

You couldn't help but giggle over the note he had left for you. There were even hearts and a smiley face around the message. How could someone be this fucking adorable?

You locked the cabin door as you began to change out of your normal attire and into the new shirt. You left the cabin grinning happily as you made your way over to the mess hall; hoping David or Gwen would possibly be there.

You could hear the screams and commotion of multiple children behind the mess hall's doors. Who knew kids could be so damn loud in the morning? You opened the doors as everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at you in confusion.

Preston sighed deeply and rolled his eyes once he saw you. He dropped his eye contact with you and began eating his breakfast again once more.

"Y/N! You're back! I can't believe you liked our camp so much that you decided to join us here as a camper! What camp did you sign up for? Tell me! Tell me!" Nikki hollered as she ran up to you; bouncing up and down with excitement.

David walked over to join your side as he turned to the campers and stated "Nikki, she's not here to be a camper. She's your new counselor. So everyone, please give Y/N a warm welcome to our camp and make her feel right at home."

Everyone seemed overjoyed to find out that you were joining the Camp Campbell team, except for Max and Preston who were both frowning after David's announcement about you staying.

"D-Did you hear that? She's staying!" Neil beamed as he once again started appearing all star-eyed while looking at you.

"Big fucking whoop. Another shitty counselor to deal with. Great. Why are you idiots caring about her so much?" Max demanded to know as he glared at his two best friends.

"Eh face it, Max. So far she's better at this job than Gwen is." Nikki answered as she returned to sit next beside the two boys. "Plus she's not too overly friendly to the point where it's annoying like David." Neil added.

Max slammed his fist down on the table; nearly resulting in Nikki's juice box spilling over. "Well then, I guess we'll just have to put her under some pressure." Max declared to his partners in crime as an evil grin slowly appeared on his face.

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