Chapter 5: Preston's Play

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Neil just sighed to himself; ignoring Max's harsh outlook on the situation and began fiddling with various science tubes. David and you looked at each other, not exactly knowing if either of you should say something to Neil in a situation like this. You took a deep breath and sat down next to the curly haired boy.

"What are you trying to do?" You asked as you looked down at the confusing papers in front of you both. You didn't even know half of these words. "I really should've paid more attention in science class back in high school" you thought to yourself as you skimmed over the papers.

"Don't act as if you really care.." Neil said; keeping his head down and refusing to look up at you. "It's not that I don't care. It's just that I simply don't know anything about it. But if you're willing to teach me, then I'm all ears." You reassured. Neil then finally looked up at you and gave you a small hint of a smile.

You two sat for about an hour together as he explained the basics of his experiment to you. Making sure to use simple words for you to understand so you would be able to keep up. You even asked David to give you a notebook and pen so you could write down the facts Neil told you. By the end of the hour, Neil and you were laughing and making science jokes together.

"You still have a long way to go, but you did quite alright for a beginner." Neil declared and chuckled lightly. Neil looked at you for a few moments before frowning once more. "I-I'm sorry. I was just pissed off at my piece of shit dad. I shouldn't have taken it out on someone I barely know." He said; returning his head to look downward at the table.

You smiled gently at Neil and tousled his curly hair. "Don't sweat it. You're allowed to be angry. Your feelings and emotions matter so there's no need to hide them. It's okay to let them run free sometimes. But I do want to say this. Even though I didn't understand most of the things we went over with today, I just want you to know that...I'm proud of you, Neil. You're so smart and it was so much fun learning new things from you. And I'm sure others will think the same thing." You finished before finally getting up to go rejoin David who was busy talking to Gwen who had just gotten back from her interview a few minutes ago.

Neil looked at you in shock with stars in his eyes as you walked away. He had never met a grown up so kind and willing to fully care about listening to his science facts. He smiled softly and went off to go find Max and Nikki.

"Y/N! You're done! I was just telling Gwen all about how amazing you are with the children." David happily exclaimed as he jumped up and down with joy. "Yeaaah...sorry you basically had to do my job today. The interview just ran so long and it was totally not because I was finishing up a new chapter in my fan fiction." Gwen sarcastically said and smirked to herself.


"I'm guessing you forgot to lock the counselor's cabin, didn't you?" Gwen said as she shot daggers at David. David chuckled nervously as he scooted away from where she was standing and closer to you.

While they were bickering, you turned pale in the face. All day you were trying to impress David by hanging out with other kids who weren't your little cousin. You had completely forgotten all about Preston. You didn't even bother to check on him once. More guilt began eating you up inside. You were a horrible cousin.

You hesitantly made your way to the auditorium with David and Gwen following you shortly from behind. Everyone sat down and waited for Preston to appear on stage to properly introduce the theme of the play.

David; who was sitting next to you, noticed you were shaking and nudged you. "You okay there, Y/N?" He asked with a small frown filled with worry on his face. You gulped and just gave him a fake reassuring smile as Preston finally made his way onto the stage.

"This play tonight will be quite interesting for it is based off a TRUE story. It is one filled with familial bonds, BETRAYAL, and pure ANGST AND HEARTBREAK." He loudly and over dramatically explained to the crowd. "And it is dedicated to my "lovely cousin" who has graced us all with her presence today." Preston said in a mockingly rude tone.

You smiled up at him; hoping he would appreciate that you had sat in the front row for him but instead he left the stage with a single "hmph."

The play began and after the first few minutes of the play had started, you were already horrified. It consisted of Nikki playing as you and Max portraying Preston. Only you knew this though because the script Preston had written for them to reenact was just moments the two of you had shared together throughout your lives. You knew what was coming. The Christmas party fight.

You began to sweat and panic as Max and Nikki re-enacted you and Preston's fight down to every last word you both had said to each other on that awful night. The only difference from the play to the real thing was Max and Nikki were fighting over karate instead of theater.

Tears formed in your eyes as you realized how hurt Preston had actually been from your words back then; especially since he had heard it from a family member. The play ended with Nikki and Max's characters dramatically apologizing with over exaggerated fake crying sounds from the both of them. The two kids hugged and the curtain dropped down; signaling the end of the play.

The crowd cheered besides Neil who just rolled his eyes at the whole scene. David noticed you crying and pulled out a tissue from one of his vest pockets. "See? I told you. Pure talent." David beamed as he handed you the tissue and resumed cheering for Preston.

The crowd settled down as Preston returned onto the stage. "Yes, yes, thank you. I know it was good. It's about TIME you all truly appreciated one of my plays. I wrote this while hoping that something this tragic would never happen to my dear cousin and I. I'm truly glad she came today. Everyone, please give a round of applause for Y/N for being the raw inspiration for this play!" Preston announced before walking off the stage.

David, Gwen, the other campers and their parents clapped and cheered towards my direction. You tried so hard to hide your puffy red eyes from crying. You felt humiliated and you could tell from Preston's tone what his true intentions were. To make you feel utterly guilty.

A/N: AAAAAH! That was a long chapter. I needed just a bit more Preston angst just to get the plot rolling. Be honest. How would you feel in a situation like this? Cause boy would I feel like absolute shit.

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