Chapter 3: Parent's Day

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As all of the parents seemed to have arrived. Another counselor with dark skin, dark brown hair, and beautiful purple eyes walked out of the mess hall holding onto a megaphone. "Alright. Let's get this shit over with." She mumbled before placing the megaphone to her lips.

"Thank you for coming to yet another stupi-..I mean STUPENDOUS parent's day. Feel free to follow your child to their own personalized camp space and there will be a list of fun camptivities for you to do and try together." The woman said before bringing the megaphone down from her lips and yawning.

David grabbed the megaphone from her as he quickly added "Also, it is recommended that you kids show your guardians what your other friends do here at Camp Campbell as well. Show them all of the fun neat things you're all learning this summer by having each other's friendships." He smiled proudly at his comment as the kids groaned.

"Ahem!" You turned around to once again see Preston behind you, crossing his arms at you yet again. "Preston..listen I-" You were suddenly cut off by Preston as he put one of his hands near your face. "Do not fret, my dear cousin. After having a small meltdown, I have come to realize something now that you're here. This is my chance to prove to you that you were WRONG! That the arts are cool and once you see how extraordinary my plays are, maybe then you'll FINALLY learn how to appreciate the arts like you should." He stated sharply at you.

Already feeling guilty from what happened last Christmas, all you did was sigh and nod your head at him. Preston laughed maniacally as he ran towards an outside auditorium and dashed behind the curtains. You made your way to the stage and climbed up onto it but as soon as you reached out to pull the curtain aside; Preston's head popped out.

"The beauty of the arts must remain secretive for you to truly be amazed! Now leave! I have much work to do." He shouted before he dove back behind the curtains once more. "But we're supposed to spend the day together..." You sighed heavily, looking down at your feet as you headed off the stage. You looked around seeing all the other parents having fun with their kids which only made you feel worse.

You felt tears well up in your eyes until you noticed David looking like he was panicking as he was talking to two well dressed men in suits. "Well this can't be good.." You thought as you decided to join a fellow grown up so you wouldn't look so lost and lonely to the others here. Plus you gotta admit, you were kinda curious.

"Please, you must understand. I verify all of the ramps that get shipped to Camp Campbell to make sure they're 100% positively safe for your daughter." David stated as he flipped through a clipboard with loads of papers attached to it.

"Well our daughter was speaking of some kind of forbidden skate park. Mind telling us what that means exactly?" One of the gentleman questioned as he got up close to David's face in an attempt to scare him. David whimpered, trying his best to keep his cool but his sweaty hands caused the clipboard he was holding to fall out of his hands and onto the ground.

David gasped and knelt down, scrambling trying his best to collect all of the scattered papers. "Yeaaaah it was pretty cool but chill dads I didn't go down it. Pretty sure it's gone now anyways." A blonde girl with a pink streak in her hair mentioned as she leaned back against the counselor's cabin's wall in a cool fashion. You quickly hurried to David's side after hearing all of the commotion and began gathering the papers as well.

"Y-Y/N? Aren't you supposed to be with Preston?" David said as he was surprised to see you all alone without a kid by your side like everyone else. "About that..Preston said I'm not allowed to see the play he's working on and that he wants to properly amaze me with his talents. It's a shame because I wouldn't have minded being in his play this time.." You answered sadly as you continued to grab more of the papers on the ground.

You were so stressed out by what had happened between Preston that you just began scooping up the papers angrily until your hand landed on top of David's who was also trying to pick up the remaining paper work. You both stared at each other for a couple seconds until you jumped back into reality and quickly removed your hand as your cheeks flushed a bright red from embarrassment.

David gave you a small smile before grabbing the remaining few pieces of paperwork left. You handed all of the ones you collected back to David and he carefully organized them back into their proper order.

"Well if you don't have any one to be with until the end of the day, why don't you hang out with Max and I today?" You were confused by David's statement until you looked behind him to see the little boy with the blue hoodie, pouting to himself and looking down at the grass.

"Oh, Max, right? Parents couldn't make it, huh? It's okay. I know what it's like to have busy parents. Don't worry they'll show up next time." You smiled politely, hoping to bring the young boy's mood up just a little bit.

"Shut the fuck up about shit you don't fucking know about." He viciously said. "Yikes...boy am I bad with kids apparently." You thought. This was going to be a long day.

A/N: Sorry if the story is progressing slowly. In a lot of the camp camp fan fictions I've read, I've noticed how they all kinda started out the same. With the reader just rolling up into the camp; looking for a job. So I wanted to do something different while also giving a good backstory and character development to one of the campers I really liked; which just so happened to be Preston. So hope you all enjoy it!

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