Chapter 1: An unexpected call

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You opened your eyes groaning over the bright light filling your room signaling the start of a brand new day. You rubbed your eyes and slowly made your way out of bed and over to fix your favorite kind of cereal.

"Another boring day." You thought to yourself as you sat down at the table and turned on the television. You had just quit your job a month ago and were struggling to find something new. All the jobs you had had before were boring or didn't make you feel happy by doing them at all. You needed to find something that would make you realize a new passion for yourself. A job you could enjoy so much that when your family and friends asked about it, you could honestly tell them; with a sparkle of light in your eyes, how much you loved where you work. Yeah. Like that would ever happen though.

As you finished eating your breakfast, your cellphone began ringing loudly and annoyingly. "Ugh...too early for thiiiis." You muttered as you power walked back to your room to grab it from under your blanket covers. "Hello? Grandma, what's wrong?"

"Oh Y/N! Thank heavens you picked up! I'm in need of a small favor." You covered the phone and sighed to yourself. "Guess I'm not binge watching anything today." You thought to yourself; knowing you just couldn't turn down a favor from a relative.

"Of course, Grandma. What's the problem?" You asked. "Hah? Can you speak up, deary?" She spoke on the phone; voice beginning to raise a little.

Oh god not this again. You took a breath in and spoke more loudly and directly "WHAT. DO YOU. NEED?" You shouted; hoping what you said didn't sound too harsh to your grandma. She always did have trouble with hearing and it was honestly too early in the morning to deal with it.

"Ooooh." She paused for a bit and you sighed once more, praying that she hadn't lost her train of thought. "Preston." was all she said before pausing again once more. Preston was your theater obsessed cousin who you hadn't even seen since last Christmas. You always hated how he forced everyone into joining in on his dumb plays during the holiday times. "What about him?" You questioned; wondering if either something bad had happened to him or if he had actually gotten a big break in a summer play or something.

"Remember the camp I sent him to for the summer?" "Yes. What about it?" You immediately asked, knowing this was going somewhere you wouldn't like. "DO YOU REMEMBER THE CAMP?" Grandma yelled through the phone nearly puncturing your ear drum. "yES! YES! I DO! WHAT ABOUT IT?" You yelled back. "No need to shout, deary. Anyway the camp is having another Parent's day there. I already went last time. Could you be a dear and go in my place this time?"

Annnnd...there it is. You really didn't want to see Preston. He's your cousin and all but it doesn't change the fact that he was annoying and pushy. "I-I..well um..." You stuttered trying to create some excuse on how to get out of it. "Oh well that's great! Thank you so much, my dear! I'm sure Preston will enjoy seeing you for a change."

"B-But I haven't even answered yet! I'm his COUSIN, I can't go to something called a "PARENT'S Day". " You exclaimed; wondering what would happen if you even did show up in her place. Would they even allow a cousin as a guardian for something like that? After all, it would only be for one day. While you were trying to think this all through, you suddenly noticed your cell phone was back to the main wallpaper you had set. "S-She hung up...Aw shit." You said, knowing you now had absolutely no choice of backing out of this sticky situation.

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