Chapter 2: Meeting David and the kids

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You groaned as you reluctantly got off the Camp Campbell bus but not before looking back at the weird old man in charge of driving the bus. "Ugh..Sure hope he's not a camp counselor. Even I wouldn't want someone that suspicious around Preston." You contemplated to yourself as you made your way to the entrance of the camp. You peered up at the camp sign, noticing how old it looked and how part of the sign was faded away. Where in the nine circles of hell did your grandmother send your cousin?

You hesitantly made your way towards a cabin labeled "mess hall" hoping to either run into one of the counselors or maybe one of the campers who would guide you to wherever the hell Preston was in this run down sketchy place. As you were walking, a girl with green pigtails ran passed you. This is it. Your chance to find your way to Preston. "A-Ah wait! I-OW!" You yelped as two other kids ran passed you; flinging around water guns carelessly.

One with brown curly hair and the other wearing a fish bowl on his head? The kid wearing the fish bowl had accidentally bumped into you causing you to fall backwards. You closed your eyes and braced for the worst as you fell back. You laid there for a few seconds; holding your breath wondering why you hadn't fallen onto the rough dirt surrounded area.

"Good going, space kid. For once you end up doing something incredibly shitty instead of me. Have fun getting in trouble." A sarcastic rude voice called. "Max, language!" Another voice proclaimed in a strict yet gentle tone. You slowly opened one of your eyes and soon the other as you looked up and around your surroundings, trying to make sense of what had just happened. You felt someone's arms around you and it made you feel warm and safe on the inside. You looked up to see a tall reddish brown haired man with green eyes who was smiling ear to ear with joy.

"I do apologize about our campers, ma'am. Sometimes they can get a little rowdy. Are you okay?" He asked kindly before helping you stand up on your own. Was this one of the camp counselors? He was surprisingly...super cute. You brushed off your f/c dress and attempted to smooth your hair properly back to how you liked it. "Ah. It's okay. In a way, they all remind me of my own cousin. So don't worry I understand how it is. Kids can get out of hand." You grinned slightly, hoping to show the friendly counselor that you could relate to his problems.

"Cousin? Oh! You must be Preston's relative! I got the call from his grandmother and everything. It's great that you decided to join us today." He cheered in delight while grabbing onto both your hands; shaking them along with his from side to side. "Haha..yeah that's me. I appreciate you not minding me filling in as his guardian for the day."

"Nonsense! Anyone and everyone is always welcomed to our dear Camp Campbell!" The young counselor gleefully stated as he looked up at the flag above us doing his signature campe diem salute.

"Y/N?" You heard a voice call out from behind you. You, David, and the rest of the kids turned out to see Preston with his hands on his hips; glaring at the scene before him. "I take it gram-gram couldn't make it today. But why would she send someone like YOU who doesn't truly appreciate the arts like I do?" He scoffed; turning his head away from you and crossing his arms refusing to accept your arrival to the important event. Suddenly the black haired kid in the blue hoodie began laughing hysterically.

"Oh god, I'm guessing even your own family thinks your lame ass plays suck. Huh, Preston?" Max mockingly said as Preston just rolled his eyes at Max's comment and stormed off. "P-Preston wait!" You attempted to go after him but stopped in your tracks as you remembered how badly you had treated him last Christmas refusing to take part in another one of his long drawn out overly dramatic plays again. At the end of it all, you two ended up on a bad note after that holiday visit.

David put his hand gently on your shoulder to comfort you. "It'll be okay. Preston's a good kid. Very talented too! Whatever bad blood happened between you two can easily be solved with a little Camp Campbell spirit along with a long list of camptivities!" He reassured you, giving you one final huge smile before he removed his hand from you to go tend to the other guests who had just arrived.

You sighed as you were now left with the children who had witnessed the whole scene go down. The green haired girl with the pigtails eyed you up and down before biting down on your lower leg like a dog would. "O-Ow...I know you're just a child but please don't do that it's rude." You whined as you lifted your leg up behind yourself as you tried to rub where the girl had bit you.

"Sorry sorry it's just a dominance thing. You understand. But wow Preston's cousin! For a second, I thought you were his mom." She guessed as she tilted her head to the side as she continued to scan you entirely. "Scientifically impossible. She's too young to be his mother. The math just doesn't add up." The brown curly haired boy spoke up as he joined near the girl's side. "Hey, anything is possible with crazy wack ass families these days. Remember QuarterMaster and his sister?" All of the kids shivered in disgust as they recalled the incident.

"U-Uh well I hate to disappoint but yep it's true. I'm just an ordinary cousin. But that aside, you four don't look like kids who enjoy theater like Preston does. Especially..that one." You said as you pointed to space kid; hoping to somehow get an explanation for all of this.

"That shit show is a long story. You'll figure it out the longer you stay here. More importantly, I'm Max. She's Nikki. That nerd is Neil." "HEY!" Neil shouted and glared at Max. Max rolled his eyes and pointed towards space kid. "And as for that's best if you just call him space kid like the rest of us do." Max finished and put his hands back in his hoodie pockets. "Ah...I see." You simply said and gulped, unsure of what to do now. You just knew one thing. You had to get out of this camp.

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