Chapter 10: Lights out Part 1

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A/N: This quarantine has been kicking my ass no lie. I'm sorry for being so late with an update so hopefully this chapter is long enough to make up for it. ❤️ Stay safe, everyone!

You and David began the nightly routine at Camp Campbell. The routine consisted of helping the campers get ready for bed and just overall making sure they were all accounted for and not elsewhere making mischief.

Nikki began to make her way inside her tent but stopped in her tracks once she noticed the huge bandage on your knee. "Ooo! A battle wound on your first day at camp. Jealous! How'd you get it? Our mascot didn't try to eat you, did she?" Nikki questioned; running up to touch your wounded area.

Your eye twitched from the sudden touch from the kid as you quickly swiped away her finger off your bandage. Even though the wound was patched up, it was still fairly fresh and hurt to have someone touch it like that.

"But Nikki you were there." Nerris stated from inside the girl's tent. "Yeaaaah. Remember? Max tripped her up during our whole Nerf gun war." Ered corrected Nikki; while swooping her hair to the side in a cool fashion.

"WHAT?!" You said loudly at what Ered had just told the other girls.

You turned around to leave to find David in hopes that he would do something about Max's shitty behavior towards you. You hadn't even done anything to the little brat. Why would he trip you up like that? Was it because of how your relationship with Preston was?

You searched the other tents; trying to find which one belonged to Max. You found Neil reading over a notebook of his that had more science scribbles all over the pages.

"Neil! I'm sorry to bother you but—" Before you could finish what you were saying, Neil jumped up from his bed; dropping his notebook on the ground.

"Y-Y-Y/N! What are you doing here? Do you wish to continue where we last left off? I feel like I've made so much progress since you left earlier. It's almost time for lights out, but if you come back after David falls asleep we can continue where we left off." Neil said with excitement as he scrambled to pick up his notebook. He began flipping through the pages; star's filling up in his eyes with enthusiasm.

You took the notebook from his hands and crossed your arms. "Cut the shit. Where's Max?" You demanded to know; giving the young boy in front of you a stern look.

The energetic look on Neil's face faded into an annoyed expression as he crossed his arms back at you. "I'm guessing you found out about what happened." Neil sighed. "Look it's best to just ignore Max's daily antics. He's done shitty things to pretty much everyone at camp by now; even to me. He's just fucking with you because you're new probably."

"Do you NOT see this big ass bandage on my KNEEEE? It hurt! It STILL hurts! I understand if the kid doesn't like me, but tripping up a lady he barely knows is just plain shitty." You said; irritated by what the camper had told you. How were you supposed to just ignore something like that? Hell no. You just couldn't.

Neil peered closely at the bandage covering your knee and made a "tsk tsk" sound through his teeth. "Lemme guess. David patched you up?" You nodded; unsure of why he needed to know that.

"Just used the usual run of the mill rubbing alcohol that everyone uses?" Neil asked; rolling his eyes. You nodded again slowly.

"Just as I speculated. Come by the science camp tomorrow and I'll whip up something that's actually useful that'll heal up that wound of yours." Neil told you as he grabbed his notebook back from your grasp and made his way to his bed.

You were still frustrated by the whole conversation and wanted to find Max but it was getting late. David was probably waiting for you somewhere outside. You couldn't keep him out there worried and waiting for you.

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