Chapter Fourteen: Run and Escape

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            A blinding light awoke Denise from her sleep. Squinting her eyes, she searched for its source. To her left, she realized that her window has been opened and the sunlight was invading her room.

            Lazily, she tossed around her bed only to find that she wasn't alone. To her right, she saw Phil beside her, still sound asleep. But she wasn't startled by the fact that she was in bed with Phil; she was startled by the fact that Phil was half naked. She sat up and looked down at what she was wearing. She gasped when she realized that she wasn't wearing her own ripped-up "charlieissocoollike" shirt anymore; she was wearing Phil's plaid shirt.

            Thoughts began running through her mind: What happened last night? All she could remember was that she had finished a bottle of vodka, cut herself and confessed to Phil about her problems. Just remembering their conversation made her tear up again. But she doesn't remember anything after that. She doesn't even remember going up to her room.

            What happened between her and Phil? Did they..? No! Denise scolded herself mentally, Don't think like that! Nothing happened. Nothing should happen.

            As she tried to recall anything about last night, she heard her door open. Panic started to attack her mind as she slowly turned around and saw the only person that shouldn't see her right at that moment: Delilah.

            "Denise?" she started as her eyes travelled to Phil's direction, "Is that... is that Phil?!"

            Denise jerked her head to look at Phil and back to Delilah. With obvious anger in her voice, Delilah spoke again, "What the hell did you guys do last night?!"

            "Calm down," Denise said in desperate hope to explain, "Nothing happened last night! He was just helping me—"

            "Helping you with what?!" Delilah shouted, "Helping you take off your clothes!?"

            Delilah's loud voice forced Phil to wake up and fall off the bed. Startled, he looked around and saw Delilah, "Delilah? What are you doing here?"

            "I should be asking you why you're in bed with Denise!" She shouted angrily in reply, "What did you do to her?!"

            "We did nothing, I swear—!"

            He was interrupted by the arrival of their other housemates. When they got to her room, they all gasped at once. Charlie was first to react, "Phil? Why are you with Denise?! And why aren't you wearing a shirt?!"

            Dan, upon hearing what Charlie said, reacted as well, "Denise, why are you wearing Phil's shirt? And why do you have cuts on your wrist?"

            Everyone looked and gasped again. Denise quickly hid her wrist with her hand and quickly thought of an excuse, "It's nothing!"

            Dan quickly ran towards her and took her wrist, "What do you mean it's nothing?! Just look at how deep these cuts are! We need to take you to a hospital!"

            "WAIT! Don't change the topic!" Delilah interrupted, "Let's not forget the fact that Phil is with Denise in her room without a shirt!"

            "Wait," Phil said innocently, "I can explain that, Delilah."

            "I'm listening."

            "It wasn't what it looks like. I fell asleep after changing her top because her top was wet—"

            "So you decided to take her top off and dress her up with yours?!" Delilah demanded, her voice ringing with anger, "And why was her top even wet in the first place?!"

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