Chapter Twelve: The Sister's Loving Arms

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            Charlie's warm breath against the back of Denise's neck woke her from her slumber. Slowly, she fluttered her eyes open just to be greeted by the blinding morning light shining from her bedroom window. Closing her eyes again, she wiggled herself to face the still soundly sleeping Charlie McDonnell. She did not remember creeping back into bed with him but she smiled as she allowed herself to be mesmerized by his gorgeous face.

            She smirked as she playfully poked the small mole on his face. She giggled as she watched him slowly waking up because of the gesture until she was finally staring into his beautiful blue eyes. "Good morning, sleepy head," she greeted him.

            He smiled back at her and greeted her with a sweet morning kiss. His soft lips were gentle against hers. Then, she cuddled closer to him. She could even hear his heart beat. She rose her head up and smiled at him as he said, "Do you hear that? It beats only for you."

            No matter how silly it would sound to others, she still knew she was blushing like mad. She felt like she was still a random fan. But, no, she wasn't just a girl; she was his girl.

            Then, a set of knocks were heard from her bedroom door followed by Phil's voice, "Denise? Is Charlie in there with you? Are you guys up yet? Breakfast is ready!"

            As they heard Phil's loud footsteps scurrying away from the door to the stairs, Charlie smiled at Denise, "Well, let's go get something to eat, shall we?"

            After nodding in agreement, they both helped each other out of bed and forced their sleepy selves to walk downstairs and eat whatever was there for them. On the way down, they could hear Dan complaining about the frozen butter and Phil begging the toaster to give his toast back.

But as they got to the kitchen, they found Alex there as well. He was just sitting by the breakfast counter, playing with his cereal. He looked so blank and as if his mind was flying away with Nyan Cat. Even when Dan and Phil greeted the couple a good morning, Alex exerted no effort to pry his eyes off his food.

            "Hey, Alex?" Charlie called, "What's wrong?"

            As if noticing them for the first time, Alex looked up suddenly as he spoke, "Huh? Oh. It's nothing."

            "Are you sure?"

            "Yeah. Perfectly sure."

            "Is it about Caitlin?"

            Denise felt herself jump a little after hearing Charlie's question. Why the fuck would he ask him that? she thought to herself as she tried to stop herself from covering Charlie's mouth. She turned Alex and watched his eyes starting to fill up with sadness. He looked so sad. He must really love Caitlin.

            "No, I j-just... Um," Alex started, his voice trembling a little. Just the sound of it made Denise's knees feel weaker.

            They all watched as Alex's eyes finally allowed a tear to fall. His face twisted a little as he angrily wiped it off his cheek. He hated crying, let alone allowing other people see him cry. He didn't want others to think he's soft and vulnerable.

            "She's gone cold," he said finally as a small whimper escaped his voice, "It doesn't feel the same anymore. She changed."

            He hid his face in his hands and started to sob. He hated himself for crying in front of four other guys and a girl. He felt so weak. It wasn't like him at all.

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