Chapter Nine: Youtube Official

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            The house was always completely silent in the morning; this was because the boys never wake up early on a regular day. Oddly, though, Charlie was already awake and ready for the day. But, rather than doing something productive to start the day, he just sat on the edge of his soft bed in his wide room. He sat there silently but he knew his cheeks were still in the shade of a rosy pink. He blushed even more as he thought about his date with Denise last night on her birthday. He thought about everything they talked about while eating dinner, he thought about their small stroll in the park and he even thought about how flawless Denise looked in her blue dress.

            But most importantly, he thought of their kiss. He gently reached out to his lips and caressed it as he thought of the fact that he had touched Denise's lips with his own. He thought of how beautiful and perfect everything turned out to be that night. If it was only possible, he could have held her with him for the entire evening. Just feeling her next to him made him feel like they were the only people on Earth. He loved that feeling.

            He wanted to feel her next to him again. He stood up from where he was sitting and immediately yet quietly made his way to Denise's room. He turned the doorknob and, to his relief, it wasn't locked. He crept inside and closed the door behind him.

            Then, when he turned to Denise's bed, his heart started beating fast. He only simply stared at Denise as she slumbered in her bed but he still thought she was beautiful. Practically buried under her covers, he could still see her beautiful face peeking out. Her hair was a mess but still looked incredibly soft.

            Creeping in quietly and closer, he made his way into her bed and under her covers as well. He moved closer to his sleeping beauty and wrapped his arm around her waist to the front of her stomach. Gently, he pulled her closer to him. Feeling the sudden movement, Denise repositioned herself and was now facing Charlie. Since she was facing him, his heart nearly jumped out just like in the cartoons. With his free hand, he caressed her face and allowed himself to just be completely dazed by her.

            Denise wiggled a bit more and finally woke up. She fluttered her beautiful eyes before noticing Charlie was next to her. After being momentarily surprised, she smiled at him. Her red lips which formed a dashing smile were then kissed by Charlie quickly but sweetly. Her smile then became even wider as she greeted him, "Good morning, Charles."

            "Good morning, Denise," he greeted back with a smile as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer, "Did you sleep well last night?"

            Denise just nodded before wiggling her head closer to Charlie's neck. They both loved cuddling but it seemed even more perfect cuddling with each other. Even though Denise was literally breathing down Charlie's neck, he didn't dare move away. He wanted her close to him. Denise wanted to be close to him, too.

            After what seemed like hours of cuddling, Denise finally asked Charlie to go eat breakfast with her. Charlie said yes and got out of her bed before helping her out. They went downstairs together with their hands entwined. Charlie still felt a bit nervous about holding hands with Denise even though he knew it was unnecessary since they already shared a kiss but he still felt uneasy.

            Obviously noticing how awkward Charlie was feeling, Denise pulled him closer and said, "You can hold my hand whenever you want, love. You shouldn't feel awkward about it."

            She gave him a wink and he blushed a little; she surely has a way to make Charlie's heart skip a beat.

            When they got to the kitchen, they saw Alex, Phil and Dan were already eating breakfast by the breakfast counter. They greeted them a good morning and asked them to join them. They all grinned when they saw they were holding hands but the couple only smirked back.

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