Chapter Fifteen: I Love You

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           Denise felt numb. She couldn't hear; all the shouts around her were all blurry. She could barely see; everything was fuzzy to her. When she looked down, her numb hands were stained with blood. Blood that she got by cradling Charlie in her arms. She knew getting hit by a car would cause severe damage but she never expected this.

            She was waiting just outside the emergency room with Dan, Phil and Alex. Chris, PJ, Caitlin, Rebecca, Victoria, Delilah and Ashley arrived shortly after Alex had texted them about Charlie's accident. Everyone was sitting on the chairs provided at the hall except for Denise. She sat directly outside the doors, counting every second that goes by, waiting for the doctor to come out and say Charlie will be fine.

            "Hey mate," Phil said calmly as he lightly tapped Denise's shoulder, "you should come sit with us."

            Denise didn't even look at him. She couldn't pry her eyes off the doors in front of her. She didn't want to move away from where she was so she could immediately find out if Charlie was okay or not. Also, she didn't want to wait with the others. She knew they were definitely blaming her for what happened.

            Just thinking about it all over again made Denise tear up; if she wasn't so determined to leave, Charlie wouldn't have gotten hit. If she just took at least a second to glance back, she could have warned him about the speeding car. If she only thought her plan out well and explained, Charlie wouldn't have had to leave the house at all to chase her.

            If only she wasn't so stupid.

            She felt comforting arms wrapping around her shoulders as she began to sob. Phil's hand caressed her hair gently as he tried to calm her down, "It's alright, Denise. He'll be okay. Charlie will be alright."

            "No, he won't!" Denise shouted without thinking, she could even feel the others staring at her now, "Can't you see my hands, Phil? They're stained with Charlie's blood! Blood that was caused by his injury when he got hit by a car because of me! Because I left without explaining anything! It's my fault, Phil, it's my entire fault!"

            "That's not true and you know that!" Phil insisted as he hugged her tighter, "It's not your fault. None of this is your fault. None of us could have known there would be some drunken idiot speeding his car when Charlie crossed the road."

            "He wouldn't have needed to cross the road if it weren't for me!"

            Denise's sobs echoed around the silent hall. Phil dared not to speak again because he knew he definitely couldn't help anymore. All he could do was hug her tight and hope that she stops crying.

            But her sobs were disturbed by the sound of the emergency doors opening. All heads turned as the doctor came out. Immediately, Denise stood up, startling Phil for a moment, and wasted no time, "Doc? How is he? Will he be okay?"

            "Well, he received severe injuries and fractures, mostly on his legs—"

            "But will he be fine?" Denise asked again.

            "Y-Yes, he will," the doctor continued, "But, unfortunately, he wouldn't be able to walk for a few weeks. Also, his head got shaken pretty badly, causing yet another injury, so he might tend to do things without thinking."

            "Can we see him now?" Phil asked before Denise could. The very moment the doctor nodded, Denise didn't think twice and entered the emergency room. There, she saw Charlie on a gurney, sound asleep. She felt her knees weaken as she got closer to him. She could see his injuries; a severely bumped head and fractured legs. She felt hot tears rolling down her cheek as she slowly caressed his messed up dirty blonde hair.

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