Chapter Eight: Happy Birthday, Denise Avacyn!

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            Denise found herself gazing up her pure white ceiling with her completely emotionless and drowsy eyes. She knew she woke up earlier than she had hoped to but her thoughts prevented her from falling back to sleep. They all just came rushing into her mind all at once; she thought about what had happened between her and Chris; she thought about Ashley; she thought about how the others had looked at her when they found out.

            But, most importantly, she thought about Charlie. She will never forget the look in his eyes when he had heard that Denise and Chris nearly kissed. She didn't know if Charlie was mad or not. Sure he comforted her throughout the whole day but it just didn't feel right.

            Then, some kind of epiphany struck her: Denise was socially awkward in nature. She knew she had it in her veins yet she still managed to become quite good friends with eleven other people within just days. But what she really thought was if her natural social awkwardness had kicked in the very moment that Chris walked into the kitchen, she would have prevented herself from allowing Chris to even sit next to her.

            Tears started to build up immediately once she realized this possibility. It's all my fault, she thought to herself sadly. She curled into a ball on her bed as she wept silently, hoping she won't wake the boys in the other rooms. She thought of how horrible she made Chris look like by insisting that he wasn't thinking straight. She told herself that she should have just admitted that it was her fault.

            She actually had the sudden urge to run into Dan's room and hug him tight and cry in his arms. But... why Dan? she thought suddenly. She knew deep inside that she needed Dan at that very moment. She needed his comfort. She needed him. She knew she should be asking for Charlie but, somehow, Dan just felt like the right person for that situation.

            Dan had always been there, even before they knew who each other were. They would talk nonstop via emails. When she had a problem or was upset, he would always be there to make her smile. She never completely understood how he did it but she definitely felt happy with just him; just talking to some anonymous guy on the internet.

            The mere thought of him made a smile appear on her tear-streaked face. That was because Daniel Howell was her best friend and she would never forget that.

            But, was that the only reason? Or was it because...


            Denise sat bolt upright after hearing something from outside her bedroom door. She stared at the door and waited for someone to come in. After a few seconds, no one did. She wondered what had caused the noise. Slowly, she crept out of bed and made her way over to her door. Pushing it open, she slid through it while it was just ajar. Oddly, no one was at the hallway.

            After a few more seconds, she decided to ignore the noise she had heard and just go to the lounge to clear her mind for a bit. But as she was making her way towards to stairs, she saw a miniature... doll on the floor. She bent down and picked it up. When she got a closer look at it, she realized it was almost like a miniature Denise Avacyn; it had unruly dark brown hair and dark brown dots for eyes. It even had a cyan blouse on and some jeans. This fact nearly made her drop the doll and make a run for it. Instead, she went downstairs, hoping to find someone able to explain what she had just found lying on the cold floor.

            But when she was downstairs, she nearly didn't recognize the lounge at all. Why? It was because the tables were arranged and were holding up loads of food. In the middle was a two layed cake with blue frosting. Denise walked closer and saw that "Happy Birthday, Denise!" was written on it. Immediately, she gasped and turned around to look at the calendar on the wall; she had completely forgotten about her own birthday! Damn, I seriously need someone to remind me important stuff in my life! she told herself.

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