Chapter Seven: Sudden Drama

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            “Ashley!” Chris exclaimed with more shock in his voice than enthusiasm after he and Denise stood up from their seats, “Wow… um… you’re up early?”

            “Clearly not early enough,” Ashley said with her arms still crossed as she clearly tried not to let her anger show just yet. Chris and Denise knew she was going to blow within seconds and they both couldn’t breathe easily because of that fact.

            “Now, Ashley,” Denise started, her voice steady as if she was trying to calm Ashley down, “It’s not what it looks like—”

            “It absolutely is what it looks like, Avacyn!” Ashley bellowed so loudly, it could have woken up the entire neighborhood, “Don’t you dare try to convince me it’s not!”

            Denise and Chris both gulped nervously. They turned to look at each other and, without even speaking; they both knew what the other was thinking: They were definitely in a heap of trouble.

            Then, they heard loads of footsteps coming from the lounge. Within just three short seconds, they others came rushing into the kitchen. They all still looked drowsy but they did manage to stand. Ashley’s shout must have woken them up quickly. They gathered around the kitchen and tried to comprehend why Ashley looked so furious at Chris and Denise.

            “What happened?” Phil asked after a loud yawn, “We heard Ashley shout. What’s wrong?”

            “Ask them!” Ashley shouted as she pointed her index finger at the two who were still standing motionless. They both knew they were shaking in fear and they both wanted to explain. Clearly, they couldn’t because they won’t be able to get a chance.

            “Denise, what happened?” Phil asked again, his expression made it more obvious that he wanted and answer right away, “Why is Ashley so mad?”

            “Nothing happened!” Denise insisted without thinking her words through, “Chris was just wiping oatmeal off my mouth!”

            “Oh really?” Ashley said rather loudly and skeptically, “So he just happens to ‘wipe oatmeal off your mouth’ with his lips?”

            Then, everyone gasped. Everyone except Ashley, Chris and Denise had their jaws dropped right after processing what Ashley had said. Their looks were basically tried to shout out “what the hell?!”

            “That’s not what happened!” Chris insisted, his hazel eyes seemed to be tearing up a little, “I didn’t kiss her!”

            “But you were about to!” Ashley spat at him heatedly.

            “It’s not Chris’s fault! He was sleepy and wasn’t thinking straight!” Denise reminded her instantly, “Plus, I stopped him before he got too close.”

            “Then why did you allow him to come even an inch closer to you?!”

            The kitchen fell silent yet still tensed. None of them knew how to respond, especially Denise. Ashley’s right, she thought, why didn’t I stop Chris before he started drawing closer?

            Sensing that Denise was starting to blame herself, Chris spoke up, “Ashley, please don’t get mad. Denise and I just recently met and we’re just friends, you know that right? Yeah, I tried to kiss her but I wasn’t in the right mind.”

            Ashley’s intense green eyes looked at Chris and he stared back. Then, she replied, her voice soft as if she was about to cry, “Forgiving you would prove that I’m not in the right mind, either.”

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