Chapter Five: Dating The Geek Who Loves Doctor Who

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            Denise stood there, absolutely awestricken in front of Charlie. Charlie McDonnell. The Youtuber whom she used to just watch on Youtube was now asking her out. She didn’t know what to say. She felt her knees growing weak but somehow the loving gaze in Charlie’s blue eyes kept her balanced. The smile on his face was nearly pleading her to say yes.

            “I know we haven’t known each other for long. In fact, we’ve only been in each other’s company for a day and a half,” he said while looking down, still obviously nervous, “But I am planning to change that. Please let me change that.”

            The sweetness in his voice made her want to float up with her toes pointed. No, he didn’t seem too fast for her; if he wanted to get to know her better by the means of dating, then so be it. Denise smiled sweetly at him and nodded, “It’ll be my honor to date you, Charlie.”

            Then, out of the blue, he suddenly jumped and nearly banged his head on the top of the Ferris wheel capsule. The triumphant look on his face actually made Denise want to jump, too. He flashed an incredibly huge smile at their companions as he took a step closer to Denise. Then, without warning, he hugged her tightly, “Thank you, Denise! Thank you so much! You won’t regret this, I promise, love!”

            “I surely hope so, sweetheart,” Denise replied as she hugged him just as tightly. The warmth of his arms prevented her from letting go. She had never felt this way before. Sure, she had boyfriends in the past but never had she felt such affection.

            After nearly a minute of embrace, they slowly broke apart and smiled at each other. The other boys started to whistle and playfully punch Charlie’s shoulders or pat his back. Charlie smiled at them and asked them to “Stop It” in between such adorable giggles.

            “Charlie’s got a girl of his own now!” Caitlin exclaimed while giggling a bit by Alex’s side, “Finally!”

            “Do you want me to write you guys a song?” Delilah teased, smiling with much amusement at the two, “You guys can be in its music video!”

            “Oh, that would be so cute!” Ashley said as she hugged Chris’s arm, “You guys go great together!”

            “Calm down, girls,” Victoria laughed as she put her arm around her sister, “They’re not even together yet! Haha!”

            “Yeah. They’re just dating. It’s not that official,” Rebecca said bleakly. There was something in the way she spoke that made Denise turn around to look at her. She was looking at the ground with her laughing sister’s arm around her shoulder and she wasn’t even smiling like the rest did. Denise looked at her in confusion but when their eyes met, Rebecca turned away.

            What’s wrong with, Rebecca? she asked herself mentally, Was she sick or something? She wanted to go to her and ask her what was wrong.

            Then, it struck her. Earlier that day, the boys had told her that Rebecca fancied Charlie and that Charlie slightly fancied her, too. Was that even true? She didn’t know. She had no idea whether the boys were lying or telling the truth. But the idea of Rebecca liking Charlie made her feel uneasy. But thinking about Charlie possibly liking her too made her feel even worse.

            “Are you okay, Denise?” Dan asked, noticing her silence, “What’s wrong?”

            “Nothing,” she lied.

            “Are you sure?” Charlie asked, suddenly butting in, “You can tell us.” Denise simply smiled at Charlie’s concern but she couldn’t tell them what she was worried about. She tried to keep her smile on her face until she looked up at Dan. He looked blank. Almost like he was… sad. What happened to him? she wondered as she studied his face. Dan then looked at her and smiled. She knew that smile was fake, she could feel it.

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