Chapter Eleven: Shoulder To Cry On

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            "Hey there, love!" Alex said sweetly even though his nervousness was obviously showing, "You should have called me so I would know you were coming—"

            "It's a good thing I didn't," Caitlin replied coldly, her voice stern and actually a bit scary. She was eyeing Denise and Alex like she was about to pull out an axe from behind her.

            "Hey, Caitlin," Denise started as she slowly cowered away, "It's not what it looks like, trust me."

            "Oh, so Alex was just teaching you how to play the guitar by being a centimeter away from your face?" Caitlin asked skeptically, her eyes still obviously filled with rage, "Yeah, I totally understand. Completely."

            Tension started to heat up even more. Denise felt herself shaking like mad but she had to control herself. Yet, she couldn't stop the obvious nervousness to escape her features for she did not want this happening again. It was like experiencing the same nightmare.

            "Now, sweetheart," Alex started, his voice shaking a little, "Let me explain—"

            "There's nothing left to explain!" Caitlin shouted nearly at the top of her lungs causing a gasp to escape from Denise's lips, "I've seen enough."

            Alex still insisted to explain until he was cut off by loud running footsteps. Then, from upstairs, came Charlie. His blue eyes were wide with concern as he turned to face Denise, "What's going on?"

            "Oh, Alex was just teaching Denise how to play some love song," Caitlin said calmly yet still very irritated, "He was centimeters away from her bloody face, that's all."


            Denise felt worry rush through her body even more just by seeing how shocked Charlie looked. She wanted to say something. She wanted to defend what really happened. She wanted to at least speak her mind yet her tongue felt like it got sliced right out of her mouth. She was speechless and helpless.

            "Caitlin, I was just teaching her a song!" Alex insisted, his voice starting to crack, "You know me, love, I would never cheat on you!"

            Caitlin's emerald eyes somehow turned red with anger to Alex, "Then how could you do this to me?!"

            Alex's breathing became uneasy. He felt his whole body starting to tremble. He felt like falling into a deep, cold pit and just hide there. Caitlin's glare made him want to run away like a child. He had never seen her so angry before. And it's because you were an idiot, he thought to himself.

            Without thinking, Alex ran toward Caitlin and hugged her. He hugged her like he was going to be blown away if he didn't hold on tight to her. The warmth of Caitlin's breath could be felt at the back of his neck and he didn't mind. He wanted that. It meant he was close to her.

            "I'm sorry," he whispered to her because he knew if he had said it any louder, his voice would break into a whimper.

            Caitlin's heart somehow melted the very moment she heard those two words. His voice sounded so sincere, it pained her to know it was because she scared him. She slowly glanced behind at Phil. "Forgive him," Phil mouthed and, at the same time, begged when their eyes met. Without needing to be told twice, Caitlin turned back to the nearly weeping Alex Day and returned his hug. Though, she still felt hurt deep inside. She definitely wasn't going to let this go so quickly.

            When they finally broke from their hug, everyone looked at them with relief except for Denise. She still looked scared like a lost puppy. Caitlin flashed her small half-hearted smile, "At least we're even now."

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