Chapter Six: Little Love Birds

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            "How could you?!" Denise shouted as she flung her arms upward in utter disappointment, “You are unbelievable, Philip!"

            "Please keep your voice down, Denise!" Phil begged as he tried to grab hold of Denise, "They might hear you downstairs!"

            "Oh, I hope they do! I hope they all run up here and find out what you did!" Denise shouted despite Phil's pleas, "How could you do this to Delilah?! She’s your girlfriend for fuck’s sake, Phil!"

            "Please let us explain," Caitlin said nearly quietly as if she was in the brink of tears, "Please calm down, Denise. Let us explain."

            "No!" Denise shouted once again, her eyes thoroughly expressing her anger, "I will not calm down!"

            Phil stood up from the bed and ran up to Denise. Suddenly, he cupped her mouth his hand, desperate to silence her. She tried to tug away but he held her too tightly. Then he spoke softly next to Denise’s ear, "I know I have a girlfriend. I know what we did was wrong but please let us explain ourselves. Please, Denise."

            Denise felt herself being dragged down. She found herself sitting next to Caitlin on the bed. They tried not making eye contact because of what Denise had witnessed. In fact, she was too angry to even think straight. She didn't want to talk anymore because she might blurt something out that might offend Phil or Caitlin but she needed answers, "Alright, give me a logical reason why I shouldn’t run down stairs and tell Delilah and Alex about this.”

            Phil sighed loudly, “It’s really hard to explain.”

            “Well you better try your best.”

            Phil turned to Caitlin. His eyes were gazing at her as if he was asking for help, desperate help. There was something they weren’t telling Denise; something they couldn’t tell her. She knew something was up and she wanted to know right away. She felt like she was digging into other people’s dirt and she didn’t like that. She sighed, “Look, I know I shouldn’t be nosing around your business since I’m not really close to the both of you. But please understand that I’m just concerned. You can tell me anything and I’ll try my best to help!”

            Caitlin breathed in deeply, “Well, if you insist—”

            “Caitlin,” Phil interrupted, “I don’t think you should tell—”

            “Don’t you trust me, Philip?” Denise asked, sounding a little hurt. She looked at the both of them and the both looked very nervous. She couldn’t blame them, though. If they switched places, Denise would feel exactly the same.

            “I… I do trust you,” Phil admitted but still managed to let a little stammer escape, “It’s j-just that… it’s kind of complicated.”

            Denise tried to put on an assuring smile, “I think I can keep up.”

            Phil sighed again and then sat next to Caitlin. Looking deep at her emerald eyes, he started to explain, “Caitlin and I have been best friends since we were toddlers. We grew up together. We were basically siblings by bond. We went to the same schools together and we wouldn’t leave each other’s side. We were, and still are, inseparable.”

            “But everything started to change when I started dating other guys,” Caitlin continued for Phil as she turned to Denise, “We started growing apart and we couldn’t let that happen. That was when we realized that we weren’t just best friends. We were in love.”

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