Chapter Sixteen: Don't Wake Me Up

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            "What the hell, Charlie?!" PJ shouted as he waved his hands at them, his voice filled with obvious rage, "Explain yourself!"

            "Me?!" Charlie shouted back before pointing a finger at Dan and Denise, "Well, what about them?!"

            "How could you do this to Charlie, Denise?" Ashley asked harshly, "I thought you loved him?"

            "I do!" Denise defended, "But I can explain!"

            "Go ahead, then," Victoria started, "Explain how you could cheat on him for Dan!"

            "Would you please stop blaming her?" Dan shouted at all of them.

            Voices were raised, everyone was complaining and forcing out explanations. Everyone felt the tension inside the small room. Everyone wanted answers but no one was letting anyone speak for themselves. Everything was out of control.

            "Please, would everyone just keep quiet for just a damn minute?!" Denise shouted finally, causing everyone to stay silent. She gulped for she did not expect them to actually shut up for her. She sighed before speaking again, "I know everyone is confused. I am as well. But if you would only let me explain, I would gladly do that."

            "We're listening," Caitlin said.

            Denise gulped again, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry for every single scene that I caused which led to horrible misunderstandings. I'm sorry for ruining friendships.

            And I'm definitely most sorry because I lied to Charlie. But believe me when I tell you that I really love you, Charles. I never lied about loving you. Everything was true, both for me and for you. But what I realized was that I love Dan, as well. I've loved him since the very beginning and I was just too much of a coward to admit it. I'm so sorry."

            Voices once again echoed around the room; there were questions asked by every one of them. But they all fell mute once again when Dan spoke, "I fell in love with my best friend, is that wrong?"

            "Yes it is," Victoria spat back at him, "What about my sister, Dan? Are you just going to throw her away for Denise?"

            Rebecca gulped, "Well, that's one thing. We were never really dating."

            Gasps escaped from everyone's mouths except hers and Dan's. She allowed the news to sink in a bit more before she spoke again, "We ran out of options. I wanted my Charlie back and Dan wanted his Denise. We were suppose to make them jealous because they might run back to us."

            "How could you lie to us?" Phil asked Dan, his eyes definitely judging him.

            "We're sorry," Dan said, feeling even guiltier, "We didn't know what we were thinking. We were just so desperate."

            "If you wanted me back, you should have just told me," Charlie said as he took Rebecca's hand again, "All I was just waiting for was for you to give me a slight hint."

            Somehow, it still gave Denise heartache to see Charlie with Rebecca. She still loved him and she couldn't deny that. But, for sure, she wanted to stay in Dan's arms. Then, Charlie spoke again, "Dan, you should have just confessed to me that you liked Denise."

            "I was scared," Dan said, scratching his jet black hair, "I thought I might just get friendzoned. And I saw how sweet you were to her. I didn't want to break your heart. I'm sorry."

            "But now that everything's cleared up," Delilah said, "What do we do now?"

            "I don't know," Denise said honestly, "But, no hard feelings?"

            Rebecca and Charlie just smiled as a sign that everything was fine to them. That smile melted Denise's heart. Finally, everything was fine and cleared up. She didn't have to worry about the fact that she lied. She scanned the room and saw everyone was finally smiling. No one judged her. It was like day one once again.

            They were one big complete group again.

            "Charlie," Denise started again, "I'm sorry about your head and your legs."

            "Nah, it's alright, love," Charlie said as he looked down at his legs, "I won't be able to walk for a few weeks but I bet Rebecca could take care of me."

            Rebecca smiled as Charlie winked at her, "Of course, I will, Charlie."

            "So, are you still planning to leave?" Dan asked Denise, changing the topic quickly as he took her hand again.

            "You've got to be joking," Caitlin added, "You can't leave now! Where are you going?"

            "Korea," Denise replied, "But—"

            "Korea?" Phil asked, "Why?"

            "Well, I wanted to separate myself," Denise said honestly, "And I have two of my friends there. I thought everything would get better for your group if I just leave."

            "So that's why you were in such a hurry to leave," Charlie said, "Do you still plan to go? Can't you just stay instead?"

            Before Denise could make up her mind, Dan pulled her closer, his hands around her waist and her hands on his shoulders, "Do you still want to leave? This is your dream, remember? You were once our fangirl—" he jerked his head towards Phil, Charlie, Alex, PJ and Chris, "— and now you're practically one of our best friends. Would you really be willing to leave your dream just like that?"

            "You're right, this is my dream. I don't want to leave anymore. You guys are the best and you all gave me what every fangirl could have wished they had," Denise replied as she smiled, for real this time, and allowed her hands to creep behind Dan's neck to force his face closer to her, "So please, don't wake me up."


If you're reading this is means you've reached the end of this story. Been an awesome 16 chapters (Last One was Chapter Sixteen: Don't Wake Me Up)! Honestly, I didn't want to end this fan fiction because a lot of you said that you liked it so much!


This fan fiction means a lot to me coz I didn't really think that it'll reach even a thousand reads or more than ten votes. But you guys are so awesome and thank you again!!

BTW, I'll steal your time right now LOL. Please read my story "Unexpected" because I'll be posting its second book soon! Please support those stories as well, PUHLEASE.♥


Hopefully, I'll make another Youtube fanfic in the near future:)

-- Eris:)x

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