What the...?

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Ok, this is the last chapter of this book! 😭 thank you guy so much for everything basically! I really appreciate everything and I will update on this story to let you know when or that the second book it out. :3 anyways enjoy this last chapter!




It's been a few months sense you and Leo have had sex. But you've been throwing up in the morning. you thought it was nothing until you've missed your period....twice. You've been worried and didn't know why.

"(Y/N) where are you going?" Leo ask you as you started walking away.

"I'm going to the drug store to get something" you said as he nods and you walk off.

You were buying a pregnancy test. You hade thoughts about not being pregnant but it would be bad having a baby with Leo.... right?

"Would it be painful to have a baby turtle?" You thought to yourself. You bought a test and went straight to your house to check. Once you had did your business you waited until it beep. You walk back to the bathroom and check it. You gasp in surprise as the results shown.

"Oh my god.... I'm...."



It had been 3 months sense you and Raph have hade your "fun time." But when you guy train. You've felt odd. You weren't feeling right. You've thrown up, and missed your period the past month.

"(Y/N)? What's wrong?" Raph ask you and you shook your head. Than it click in your mind. You might be pregnant!

"I'll be right back, in going to to drug store to get medicine" you said as Raph nods before you ran out the lair. You were having thoughts about having a turtle baby.

"Geez wouldn't that hurt?" You whisper to your self before entering the drug store. You handed the lady the test and she just looks at you.

"What?" You said waiting for her to stop.

"You seem too young to be buying this" she says as you smile a bit.

"I'm only 22" you said but you just realize you were too young to buy it.

"See?" She says and you nodded. You pay for it and ran straight home. To did your business and waited until you finally heard the beep. You snatch it up and look on it but your eyes widen and drip the test in fear.

"Oh my god.... I-I'm....."



It's been only 2 months sense you and Donnie had had sex. He's been trying to do it again with you but you weren't in any mood. you would have done it with him again but you've been thinking and feel weird in you belly area.

"Hey babe, I'll be back" you told Donnie as you walked out.

"Where are you going?" He ask you making you stop.

"I'm going to the drug store to buy something" you said as he nods and you get out the lair. You walk to the drug store and quickly drag the pregnancy test and paid for it quickly.

You ran home to quickly take the test too see if your gunna have a turtle baby or not. Once you've finished you waited a minute until you finally heard a beep. You gasp as rinse the results of your test. Your smart and you've past every test you've had. But this test you didn't want to pass.

"Oh my Freaking god! I'm...!"



You've had these weird feeling in you belly. You weren't sure what is was until you've missed your period. That's wasn't normal.

"Angel what's wrong?" Mikey ask you. You looked at him and smiled brightly at him.

"Nothing. Hey I'm going to the store I'll be back" you said as you got up.

"Bring me back candy!" Mikey said as you chuckle and left the lair. You went to the drug store and you were going to buy a pregnancy test.

"Wait would this meant I'll have a turtle baby? Ouch the might hurt" you think to yourself. You bought a test and ran home. You didn't bother coming back until you were done. But you did bought Mikey candy though. You done the business and waited a bit. You heard the beep and quickly look at it.

"Oh my lord! I'm going to be......!"


THE END! That is the end of the book! It will continue on the second book! I will update on the first book to let yall know when the second book it coming out! Thank you all for voting and reading and everything! Ily!

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