Switch around

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"Woah" you said and your voice was deep! you were confused and look down at yourself. You were a turtle! you freaked out and look up seeing yourself!

"What happen?!" you shout, than you knew Donnie's experiment made you and Leo switch bodies!

"Woah, look at me! I'm hot!" Leo says and you blush. You look at him an he started to touch his butt! well... you butt to be exact.

"Stop touching my butt!" You said and he chuckles and kept doing it. Than he started to jiggle your boobs around! you blush and covered your eyes. That was embarrassing seeing your self touch your boobs. Even if Leo's in you body. You look down and Leo's. You had muscle and you admire yourself. But than you snap out of it.

"Do now turn us back!" you said and he nodded. He did some of his 'work' and boom! you two were back to normal!

"Yes I'm back" you sigh in relief.

"Aw! I missed being you! your boobs were so soft!" Leo said and you blush but smiled while playfully rolling your eyes.

"Well than here" you smirk and grab Leo's hands and up them on you chest! he blushes and slightly squeezes. You giggled at Leo as he messed with them. Just poking the and well... jiggling them.

"Ok Mr. Touches boobs a lot, that's enough fun for today" you said and you walk away.

"Aw!" he says and caches up to you and slaps your butt! you blush as he stick his tongue out and runs away.

Looks like a little cat and mouse game he wants to play.



"Woah! what the heck just happen?!" you said and cough. There was dust or smock everywhere. Once it cleared out you look up and saw yourself!

"Woah what the fuck?!" you cuss and turn over to Donnie. You look at your hands and three large fingers appeared. Your eyes widen once you realize your in Raph body!

"Woah! bro I'm smokin hot!" Raph says and you blush a bit. You look over at Donnie waiting to give an explanation.

"Well you see, you and Raph switch bodies" he says and chuckle nervously. Your eyes widen and you started to mess with his body. You turn around and Raph was there touching your boobs!

"Raph stop touching your boobs! well my boobs!" you said and he chuckled.

"Well, what if I......?" he says and slowly moves his hand down towards your private area!

"No!" you said and moved his hand away. He laughs and you left go. Than he went for it! he touch it!

"Raph!" you said and he moan.

"Oh wow it's so smooth and warm" he says and you blushed deeper.

"Donnie! switch us back!....please!" You said. You never use the word please!

"I'm sorry... What did you say?" he ask and you groan. He messin with you just so you can say it again.

"Please..." you whisper.

"Sorry what?" he says again and you got angry.

"DONNIE I SWEAR IF YOU DON'T TURN US BACK I WILL TEND TO MAKE TURTLES SOUP OUT OF YOU!" You shouts and he gulps before switching you guys back. Poof! you were back!

Finally! You thought.

"Aww! I miss being you!" he whines and you smiled while rolling your eyes.

"Come on, you can.... ugh you can keep touching me of you want.... BUT in your room" you whisper to him.

"Aw yeah!" He says and fits bump the air. But you were ahead and he ran to caught up on you.

And you two had a pleasure night.



Poof! you cough and tried to look around the smoke. But what you saw is that your hands where mutant! Three large fingers.

'Am I Donnie?' you thought.

"Donnie?" you ask. Than the smoke cleared.

"Woah! look at me! I'm hot!" he says and you guys and switch bodies!

"Oh... my....god" you said and you where in Donnie's body. You felt tall!

"Woah, so this is what it's like when your tall" you said an look around than look down at him.

"Look how big your butt is!" Donnie said touching your butt. You blush and look at him. You bend down and than poke your own boob! it jiggled! you didn't think it'd do that! than Donnie got on his tipy toes, sense he was in your short body, than he kissed you! you felt it weird kissing yourself.

"Ok getting weird, let's go back" you said and he nod.

"Yeah, it was weird kissing myself but I'm one handsome guy" he said and you chuckled.

"Yes your are" you said than switch back to normal.

"Few better" you said than Donnie kissed you.

"Much better" he numbed and hm you giggled and gone back to kissing.



"Woah! (Y/N) I'm you!" Mikey shouts. You got confused but look at him and he was you!

'But how?!' You thought.

You look down at your self and you were mikey!

"Oh my god, now I'm adorable!" you said and put your hands on your cheeks.

"And I'm a babe!" he says and slaps your butt over and over. You chuckled and rolled your eyes.

"Whatever! but I want my body back!" you said and he pouts!

"No! I wanna stay like this!" he says an runs off.

"Come back here!" you said and run after him! you caught up and pick him up.

"Damnit! I forgot I'm not as stronge anymore!" he says and you laugh carrying him to Donnie lab were he switch you two back.

"Aw! I wish it could last forever!" he said and you laugh. You kissed him and he blushed.

"Yeah but is be weird kissing our self" you said.

"Yeah it would, now I don't walk to be you" he said and you towards your eyes.

"What's wrong being me?!" you said joking with him.

"N-Nothing! it's just if I were you I don't wan to be kissing myself!" he defends, he didn't mean to upset you. You laughs and kissed him again.

"I know, just messing with you" you said and laughed and he pouts and got a little mad.

"Hey! not funny!" he says and you laugh while walking off.

'That was sorta fun' you thoughts and walk off to the 'living room'.


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