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You and Leo were in the kitchen. He's been saying how he's not a good cook. So you decide to teach him. You guys where making cupcakes. You were mixing the chocolate and Leo was watching you carefully you. Being a little meanie you are you messed with him and splat chocolate on his face.

" Really (Y/N)?" He says and you laugh before licking some of the chocolate off his face. He blushes and you smiled.

" Now you taste sweet" you said and went back to mixing the chocolate. Bit before you knew it leo put his comet in and mark your noes.

"Hey!" You said and look at you noes crossed eye. Leo laughs and does the same thing as what you did. He Lick the chocolate off your noes.

"Messy but sweet" he tease. You knew this meant war. You grab some flower and threw the power on him. His face was white. You laugh and Leo growl.

"This. Mean. War.!" Leo's shouts and we began to throw stuff at each other. Than You decide to pay trick on him. Once he hit you you covered your eye.

"Ow! My eye!" You fake cry out. You covered you eye and Leo came to you.

"Oh my god! (Y/N)! I'm so sorry! Please-" you cut him off by throwing more chocolate at his face. You laugh and revealed your eye perfectly fine.

"You trick me! Not cool!" He says and you giggle. But you heard him growl and you knew that was a warning to run the hell out! You yelp and as you were going to run he jumps and pins you down.

" Leo I'm sorry don't-!" You were cut off by him pressing his lips on yours. Your eyes widen but kissed him back. He pulls back and smirks.

" Don't do that, you made me think I hurt you" he says and pout a little. You giggle before kissing him. You quickly pinned him down and basically Lick the chocolate off his neck. Holding his wrist so he wouldn't move and he started to moan uncontrollable. You smirk and comtuine. His body and legs started to shake.

"(Y/N)...." he moans your name out. He like this new pleasure your giving him. He bits his lip from preventing him to moan again you you found his sweet spot and he let put a loud moan.

"Oh my god (Y/N)!" He says a little louder. You smiled to yourself. Sense he's the leaders and in control you like that he was under your control. You finish licking him clean on his neck and you look down at him. His face was redder than his own brother Raph mask. You giggle and help him up but fell back down as his legs were wobbling.

"Now let's finish baking" you said. Leo gave you one last kiss before you too made cupcakes.

Damn... The things that girl can do to me. Leo thought.



You and Raph were in the kitchen and you guys were making a cake. He wanted it to he straw berries flavor. Of course you didn't didn't say no because that was your favor. You got a cherry and pop it in your mouth.

"Wanna cherry Raph?" You ask him. He shrugs.

"Sure" he said. You smirk and walk up to him. You forcefully oppressed your lips against his and force you tongue into his mouth. You slid the cherry in his mouth and pulled away.

"Sneeky girl" he says and eats the cherry. You giggle as you began to mix the stuff.

"Ok what do I do?" He ask you. You smiled and went behind him. Y oi u hand went over his hand you showed him how to mix and do stuff.

"Ok now you mix the flower with milk, and start string it carefully but fast" you told him. He blushes but he found it cute for you showing him. He dip his finger in the strawberry mix and pokes your noes leaving a pink dot.

"Hey!" You said and he laughs before licking ur of your noes. You blush and he pinches your cheek.

"Ow!" You said. You glare at him and grab his cheek pinching it hard.

"Ow! Ow! OK I'm sorry!" He sys and you let go. His hand went over his cheek and pout. You grab the spoon and wipe the strawberry all over his neck.

"What was that for?!" He whines.

"Don't worry I'll clean you up" you said and knock him down on the floor and you hold his wrist down and smirking at him.

" What are you- holy jesus!" He says as you went down on his neck licking him. He moans as you lick him clean.

"Happy now?" You ask him as he breaths out and nods. You smirk and kissed him.

"Now come one and let's finish the cake"

"Yes ma'am"



(Other way around)

You and Donnie where making cookies for fun. You guys and flower and bater all over yourselfs. You put the cookies in the oven and waited for them to be done.

"You have a little something" Donnie began but he licks your cheek. You blush and look at him he smirks down at you and lifts you up and sets you down on the counter. You blush and he wraps you legs around him and started to nibble and lick your neck. You moan and gasp. You didn't know Donnie couldn't be like this. Well you though consider he had done something like this sense you guys started dating. You bit your bottom lip as he finds your sweet spot.

"Donnie..." you moan and he pulls back asks looks at you.

"Yes sweetie" he looks at you. He made that face like he innocent or something. It was like your weakness at this moment. You kissed his lips than the oven ding. The cookies where finish.

"Cookies are done" you smirk at him and he goes to get them out.

Wow he's been doing that for 10 minutes? He must have Gave me a damn hickey.......



You ams Mikey were making some brownies. You weren't a good cook but Mikey was. So he was helping you the entire time. He found it adorable he had to help you.

" You have chocolate on you face" Mikey said and you look confused.

"Where?" you ask him and he smiles.

" Here" he says and quickly licks you cheek from where the chocolate was. You blush and smiled at him.

" You taste like chocolate!" He exclaims and kisses you all over your face. You giggle as than he plans a kiss on your lips.

"My girlfriend taste like chocolate! Now I'm going to kiss you all day every day!" He says and you laugh.

" Calm down Mikey and let's finish these brownies" you said bit he pouts. That was your weakness. Him pouting.

"Ok just a few more minutes"

"Now that's my girl!" He says and kisses you. You giggle in between kissing and though:

Best boyfriend ever.


(I didn't know how to end with Mikey ok? Don't judge!)

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