Shell blocker

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Ok I'm re-writing this. I can't see it it anything. But It's funny bc someone posted a comment saying 'master splinter a shell blocker and I though it was funny! you know who u are. So here ya go. (Sorry if it's short!)



After you guys getting caught by master splinter. You guy have been distance. You did want to get caught again or anything again. So you and Leo sat away from each other but yet close.

'Ugh why does master splinter have to be such a shell blocker?' you thought.

You end up laughing at your thought. Sense Leo's a turtle and what not, it was pretty funny. Leo looks at you funny and you look back.

"What's so funny?" he ask you. You giggled before answering.

"I thought, why does master splinter have to be a shell blocker?" you said. Leo blushes but ends up laughing too. He comes back closer to you and presses his lip on yours. You guys kissed for aunties until you two heard someone yell at you two.

"(Y/N)! Leo! " Master slinger said. You two quickly pulled back and you bit your lip as both of you blush in embarrassment.

'Shit.... We're in trouble' you two both thought at the same time.



When you and Raph got caught by splinter. He had told you to stay away from him. Of course you didn't listen to him and watch Raph do more push ups in front of you.

'Ugh master splinter a shell blocker!' You thought.

You burst out laughing and Raph stop and look at you weirdly.

"What's so funny (Y/N)?" He ask you. You wipe out a tear from crying so hard and look at him.

"Master splinter a shell blocker" you said. Raph laughs and pulls you into his lap and kisses you.

"(Y/N)! Rapheal!" Splinter voice appeared. You too pulled back and you look at Raph.

"See, shell blocker" you whisper but splinter heard you.

"(Y/N)!" He yelled and you moved away from Raph as he laughs at you.



Donnie thought it'd be awkward to keep kissing. He thought you two would get caught again. You were obviously pissed that April had to ruin you guys 'moment'.

'Ugh April such a pity girl go wants Donnie attention! she just jealous I'm with him now and that's he's paying attention to me! ugh I swear she's such a shell blocker!' you thought but giggled a little honking about being a shell blocker.

"April such a shell blocker" you said and Donnie started laughing.

"Shell blocker? really?" He says threw laughing. You thought it was cute how he laughs. With him showing his adorable gap.

"Well she is one" you said. Donnie pick you up and set you on the table and wrap your legs around him. He got closer, resting his hands behind you and smirks at you. He presses his lips back on yours and you smiled and kissed back. You let out a little moan as his tongue found a way in your mouth. You wrap your arms around his neck and his hands were now on your thighs. But what you didn't know is that April walk I'm on you two again! You two pulled back and look at her.

"Ugh! really guys?!" She screams and walks off. You smirk and look at Donnie.

"See, shell blocker" you said. He laughs and went back on kissing you.



(PART 2)

You and Mikey kept kissing for a while, and the video game music was playing in the background. You thought Mikey was a good kisser. You would have never thought he'd been studying for just French kissing! this was his first time and he was pretty damn good at it.

"Mikey have you seen- woah ok" Leo's voice appeared.

'Ugh Leo! don't be a shell blocker!' You thought.

You laugh and Mikey look at you.

"Leo! why do you have to be a shell blocker?!" You scream at him through laughing. Mikey laughs and joins in on you.

"Yeah leo! don't be a shell blocker!" he joins you and you laugh. Leo blushes before running off to the dojo.

"Well that got ride of him" you said and Mikey nod.

"Yup, now where were we?" he said and you gouge and you two went back to kissing.


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