Turn on

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You and Leo were siting in his room. Just reading some space hero comics because there really wasn't much to do. But you were interested in reading his comics. He looks up from his comic and sees you so focus. He blushes am crawls over to you. You look up at him and he smiled. He snuggles his head in the crook of your neck. You smiled and continue to read. Leo got an idea and leans closer to your ear, he chuckles and you blush, you didn't know what was going on.

"If you were a horse id ride you" he says and you blush knowing that he was trying to make a sexual comment. You smirk knowing that he was TRYING to. Than an idea pop in your head.

"Are you a plumer? Because i'd like you to check my pipes" you said to him and he blush red, probably redder than Raphs mask. You chuckle and kissed him. You guys kept teasing each other and having a REALLY fun night.



You and Raph were in his room staring at each other for no reason. You guys were bored and figure just why not just stare at on another? You continue to stare at him than a smirk crossed his face. He crawls over to you and you felt his breath fanning against your ear.

"If you were a manhole i'd defiantly go inside you" he teases. You blush and tense up a bit. He chuckles and started to leave some butterfly kisses on your neck. You let out a soft moan and he goes up back in your ear and made another sexual joke. You blush and you knew this was turning you on. He was being extremely perverted today. But it was not your turn.

"And if you were human i'd fuck you all the time" you said. Raph blushes at you and gulps. He was so tented to go get his watch and just... well fuck you. You guys were both tented but you knew it wasn't time for that yet. He presses his lip on you and it was a long kiss. He had pulled back slowly and his salvia was on your lips and on his still connected. Well than a when you know that was a good kiss. He pushes you so that he's on top of you and his gear was off. So his knee was right the at your private. He was touching it! You blush deeper and smirk at him.

You two had, let's say a fun night yet wild night.



You were in Donnie's lab watching him work and making sure he doesn't mix the wrong chemicals. After what happen last time you had to stay and watch him so he won't hurt himself. He looks up from what's he was doing and turn his attention to you. He leans closer to you so that he was right to your ear.

"I'd like to mix my chemicals with yours" he says and you blush knowingly what he mean. He saw your face red and he chuckles and presses his lips on your pushing his tongue in. He learns that from you. He hand were on you thigh and he tends to spread them a bit. His hands travels up and his two thumbs were really close to you private area. You gasp in his mouth as this was turning you on a lot. Your legs kept shaking, wanting to close them but at the same time don't.

"Soon donnie, soon" you moan out and he chuckle. You two had a lot of chemistry going on that night.



You am Mikey were eating, and playing video games and once an a while you look over at him. You really never think anything sexual of him but damn. Your hormones got in the way and you were thinking about it. Mikey notice you that you were jumpy and was confused but than he knew. Your hormones. He had the same thing with you once an knew. He smirk and paused the game leaning closer to you.

"Girl if you were any hotter I'd be staring at the sun" he says and you giggle and look at him. You blush a little shade of pink and smiled at them.

"Thanks Mikey"

"Are you a parking ticket? Because you got fine written all over you" He says and I giggled a little more. He presses his lips on yours an that kiss turned into a make out session.

And you two had a little 'game' going on that night.


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