First moan/ makeout

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Leo was meditating in the dojo and it was your first time coming there after when you met his brothers. You state at him and you felt eager to just kiss him. You crawled over to him and stare at him. You crawled on his lap and he looks at you and blushes madly.

"Erm Leo I don't know if you want to do this but I really-" you were cut off by him pressing his lips on yours. He knew what you were about to say. His hand went around your waist and your arms around his neck. You guy have been kissing for about a minute until you felt his tongue enter your mouth. You were surprise and wonder where he learn that from? Buy you let him in and French kissed. Your and went down and rubs his thighs. You sorta like to tease. He let out a moan and his arms started to shake. He likes this feeling you have him and he felt that his turtle hormone might get it the way. He started to pull you closer moving you and that led you to moan. But he was moan uncontrollable.

"Woah! Go leo!" Some one scream and cause you two to jerk back. His brothers where there watching you guys. You blush and hide your face in the crook of his neck.

" Shut up! Leave us alone guys!" Leo's voice crack of embarrassment. They laugh as the walk up.

" Leo!" Splinter said.

Shit this wouldn't be good. Not only didn't his brothers saw but splinter caught yall.



Raph was doing push ups and he had read or saw on line, that to motivate him he can have you laying under him while every times he comes down.

" (Y/N)! Come motivate me!" He says to you. You didn't know what to do but I guess cheer.

"Go Raph you can do it!" You cheer on.

"No! I mean lay under me!" He say. You were surprise because you thought he didn't know about that stuff. You smirk and laid under him. He blushes but comtuine his push ups. As he came down he kisses you. He's heart was beating fast. He love the lovely feeling but never admit it. Maybe only to you but he hasn't said it yet. But as he came down once more he stayed down. He kisses you and slowly brings his body down laying on yours. His started to french kiss you!

Where did he learn this?! You thought.

But anyways you enjoy it anyways. You moan in his mouth which cause Raph to blush and make his body weak. No one has ever made him weak. He moans back as you rubs the side of his shell.

"Rapheal! (Y/N)!"

Master splinter.....

Shit..... you thought.



You were sitting on Donnie lap and watch hin work on his experience. He had one arm around your waste and the other working. You saw him grab this chemical buy took it out of his hand.

"Hey give it back! Sweetie!" He whines

"No its the wrong chemical , use the blue one not this one" you said and he didn't trust at first but he knew what you were talking about. He trusted you. So he carefully mix it in and you were right!

"Thanks your a genius!" He said and turn you around kissing you. You smiled and wrap you arms around him. He's hands were on your thighs and his thumb was pressing and rubbing in circles near you private area. You gasp and moan but you didn't mean to. He smirk and Donnie was enjoy you under his control. He hasn't been like this or he was been like this before he met you. I guess you change him but in a good way though. Donnie moans as you tease back by putting your tongue in his mouth. He knew what french kissing was but had never done it until now.

"Um should I come another time?" It was April's voice. He pulled back but you were still on his lap and his hand were still where there were first place.

"Umm April! Ugh.... This is a bad time!" He freaks out. You smirk but you really never like April because he like her and she was playing hard to get.

"I'll just go" she says and walks off.

"Now where we're we?" Donnie smirk and you laugh and comtuine kissing.



You and Mikey where plying video games. You were playing multiply player and you were a great time. But Mikey paused it and you look at him confused. You were really getting into the game.

"What's up mikey, why you paused it?" You ask but by responding he kissed you. Sense Mikey is.the innocent one he moan because he gets that feeling really quick. You were shock and pulled back. He pout at you missing your lips on his. He does the puppy face to you and that was your weakness.

"Ugh ok just don't fo that face" you said. He smiles and presses his lips back on your. He has been studying for French kissing and he didn't want to mess things up but he just went for it.

" No! Give me a sec I almost got it!" He says and pulls you back. You guys both end up moaning.

Damn he's good at this..... you thought.


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