Scared of him?!

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You heard that Leo was in a pissy mood. After what happen last time you didn't want to be near him. But the other pushed you to calm him down. You walk to his room as your legs shake.

"L-Leo honey, y-you o-ok?" You stutter and open his door.

"Fine" he says quickly. You gulp and shut the door and walked closer to him.

"I-If there's a-anything bothering you, y-you can t-talk to me" you said and put your hand on his shoulder and he wipe it off.

"Yeah your bugging me now, with your stuttering and annoying ass voice!" He shouts. You whimper but you knew the guys would keep bugging you until you cooled him off.

"I'm sorry, but Leo please try to calm down" you said softy.

"NO I WILL NOT CALM DOWN! SHUT UP FOR ONCE AND LEAVE ME ALONE!" He screams and got up. This frighten you. Tears formers and you block your arms over your head and went down to the floor.

"I-I'm sorry! Please d-don't hurt me! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" You cried out. Leo gasp and his expression soften. Once you look up he saw the fear in your eyes but you quickly closed them. That's why hit him. He started to cry. He... made you he afraid of him. That's what he least wanted for you to think or see of him. Fear.

"(Y-Y/)" he stutters and bends down. As he light touches your arm you jerk back thinking he might hurt you again. Shaking and crying in fear. Leo started to cry. Hard. Knowing he was the one caused you to fear him. He didn't want him to make you fear him... he just wanted to love you.

He sniffed and pulled you into a tight hug. He cries on your shoulder hug you like he's never letting you go.

"(Y-Y/N) I-I'm sorry. Please don't fear me. That's the least thing I want you too see me. As a monster, I didn't mean to scared you nor ever hurt you" he cries and you hugged him back.

"It's ok Leo" you said and kissed his cheeks. His eyes were red from crying already! It made you felt bad and you rest your forehead.

"Ssshh, just trie to control yourself when your angry" you said and he nod and pressed his lips on yours. You kissed back and you two went back to the other.

"You alright buddy?" Raph ask and patted his shell.

"Yeah in fine" he said and went back to you. He has left your side by the time you went home.


"(Y/N) please try to calm Raph down" Leo ask you and you shook your head. You knew if you tried to talk to him, who's know what he'll do to you next! What stab you with his sai?

"No! Not after what happen last time!" You defended.

"Please" Leo ask you. You knew you lost this battle.

"Fine" you said and walk to the dojo. You saw Raph training. He was hitting the dummy so hard that vains were popin out!

"R-Raph, sweetie who I love and won't hurt me. D-Do you want to talk about it?" You ask him nervously going towards him.

"No" he said dryly. You took a deep breath and step closer.

"Don't. Come. Closer" he says and you jerk back.

"Raph your brothers are worried about you, please calm down" you said softy.

"No I will not calm down! Now shut your tramp up!" He yelled at you and you jerk back in fear. You don't want him to hurt you again.

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