Thinking dirty

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Your POV.

I was walking home from cheer leading practice. (Pretend u are) I wasn't swearing because the cool breeze was drying it away. It was dark but not too dark to be alone. If your alone at night than your fuck.

"Y/N)?" Someone called my name. I turn around but no one was there.

"Up here" the voice said again. I look up and saw leo waving down at me. I smiled smiled and climb up upto up to the roof on on the fire escape thingy.

"Hey leo!" I said and hug him. He moved back, and look at me from up and down biting his lip. Ohhh, he's thinking pervertedly. Aw! little Leo becoming a man! how cute! so I back up and he's still looking at me in that way. His hands moved up but back. He's tempted to touch me.

"If you wanna touch me, than go ahead, I'm your girlfriend no need to be a shame" I said an he looks at me in surprise. But he ends up nodding and nervously walks to me as I put my hands on my hips. He looks at my chest and than temps to poke them. I giggle at him and he looks at me. But I knew we were talking this too far though, be he's also curious about this stuff.

"No need to rush Leo, maybe another time when your sure you want to" I said and hold his hands.

"But I want to" he pouts and I smiled. But I'm also temped for him.

Ugh stupid hormones.

"Ok fine i'll do it!" I said and grabs his hands and put them on my.... boobs. He blushed deeper.

"Erm...... I should stop before my turtles hormones get in the way" he says a pulls back. I chuckle and kissed his cheek.

"Let's just go back to my place and watch Space Heroes" I giggled and took his hand and walk home.

"Yes!" He fist bumps in the air.

Only my Leo.....



No one POV.

You were walking home front the gym. You had on a sports bra on and spandex. It wasn't really dark which was great because you didn't feel like fighting. Even though you can fight. You had a black Beale in karate but stop taking if because you know all you can know, and your a champion in boxing. So your pretty sure you can take on a few people or whatever gets in your way. As you were walking you heard whistling behind you.

Ugh thirsty ass boys. You thought to your self. But what you didn't know it was Raph who was whistling. You heard the whistle again and you groan and turn around but no ones there. They whistle again and you tend to look up to see your hot boyfriend Raph. You than smile realizing it was in who was whistling at you. You made your way up to the roof that he was on.

"Hey Raph" you said and pulled him for a hug than kissed his lips. As you guys were kissing you felt his hands travel down to your butt.

Damn... The things I can do to her. Ugh! she's just so fit and hot and sexy, but not as sexy as me though. Raph thoughts to him self and he bit his lip while looking down at you. You blush as his hands where still on you butt. You smirk to yourself, you knew you like this kind of stuff.

"Raph?" You snap him out of your thoughts.

"Y-Yeah?" Raph stutters and that shock you. He never stutters.

"Are you ok? you never stutter?" you ask him. You press your body more onto him and he blushes redder than his mask.

"Yeah I'm fine" he says but you didn't believe it. Than an idea pop in your head. He was thinking dirty!

"Ohhhh I know what your thinking" you said and kissed his noes.

"And that was?" he ask you.

"You were thinking dirty weren't you?" You say and he's shock that you knew.

"Yeah so? I can't think dirty about a girl" he says and your jaw drop. You couldn't believe he said that. You would have expected 'I can't think dirty about my girlfriend?' Not just a girl. He was thinking about some one. You moved away from him and walk off pissed.

"Hey now wait a minute! you didn't give me time to explain. Like I said I can't think dirty about a girl that I love?" he pulls you back. You blush.... he just said he loved you. But not directly like an 'I love you' but you took it.

"Ok, that's better" you said and kissed him as yall two went home.



Your POV.

I was walking home from school, finishing my science project. I was wearing a white shirt that you can sorta see threw and short- shorts.

"(Y/N) pssshhh!" some one said. I look around but no ones there. I started to freak out a bit.

"Psssshhhh" ok now I'm freaking out. So I break for it and started running. I felt some one lift me up and I was about to scream but someone covered my mouth.

"Shhh, it's on (Y/N) it me Donnie" it was only him. Oh thank god.

"You scared me!" I said and slap his arm.

"Sorry sweetie" he said and kissed my cheek. I smile as he blushes while looking at me.

"I'd like to experiment on you" he whispers. I blush and my eyes widen.

"What was that?"

"N-Nothing!" he defends. Lies!

"Is the Donnie thinking dirty about me?" I ask and he blushes more.

"N-No I promise!" he says and I laugh at him.

"It's ok donnie, it's normal to think dirty about your girlfriend" I said and wrap my arms around him.

"Than yeah I was, and I will" he says cocky. I chuckle and rest my forehead on him.

"Don't worry you will"



I was riding my skate board home from video game practice from my friends house. There's a video game tournament coming up and I wanna win! all I do is win, win, win no matter what!

"Aye yo (Y/N)!" Some one said and it sounded like Mikey's. I smiled and stop. I turn around as he runs up to me giving me a hug. I hug back and he kisses my cheek.

"You look hot on a skate board" he says and I blush.

"Thanks, your not so bad yourself" I said and he kept staring at me. I for think he's be thinking dirty, he act and is too innocent for that stuff. Which sorta sucks because I'm a little bit on the freaky side to be honest.

"Your not thinking dirty are you?" I ask him. He snaps out of his thoughts and blushes.

"Erm, maybe a little bit" he admits and that took my by a surprise. Woah never thought he think like that. But ugh! that's a good thing! maybe he'd be freaky! I would love that! so very much!

"What?" he said and I snap my thoughts out.

"Just never thought you'd think like that! buys it's good! I want you to be freaky!" I admit but cover my mouth.

"Ok! than I will be freaky for you girl!" He said and kissed me.



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