Save me

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He has made it to shredders lair and was looking for you. No sound. He wouldn't dare risking making a sound and you getting hurt. He look and look but no luck. But he wouldn't give up. As he walk by a light flash and he say you tied up. He saw blood and he gasp and was about to cry but no. He was going to kill the shredder for doing this to you. He slowly made his way up to you and untied you. You weakly look up at him and smiled weakly before closing your eyes.

"It's ok (Y/N), I'm here" he whispers but you didn't wake up. He but his lip and hot tears fell. Before he got caught he threw a smoke bomb and left. He carried you and ran to the lair so Donnie can help him.

"Donnie please! It's (Y/N)! She isn't waking up!" He yelled and ran to Donnie's lab. He set you down on his table and he knew you weren't sleeping. You were knock out. He saw some scratches on your face.

"Ok, give me sometime" he say and Leo nodded. After a few minutes he came back.

"Let her rest, she got hit in the hard pretty hard" Donnie said and Leo nodded. He went up and carried you to his room and waited for you to wake up.



Raph was in stealth mode. He didn't make no sound as he look for you. He wasn't going to risk you getting hurt. As soon as he stop he saw a light and a body.

Is that (Y/N)? He thought because he couldn't see your face. He walk up closer and turn it around. His eyes widen as he saw blood everywhere. It was you. Raph was pissed off. He wanted to kill the shredder but he had to get you to safety. He pick you up carefully and ran back to the lair. He saw who pale you were and freaked out.

"Donnie! Help!" He screamed and ran to him. He handed him you and Donnie went to go stitch you up. He gasp at how big your scratches are. An hour later Donnie put you in Raphs room and told him to wait until you woke up.

"Oh (Y/N) I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you" he numbers and waits for you to wake up.



He calculates a way to get in I save you. As he finds a way he slowly made his way in. He was fast yet quiet. He saw you laying on the ground knock out. He ran quickly and quietly and got you out of that place! He ran quickly to the lair but he found nothing wrong with you. Like nor scratches and you didn't need to be patch up. Than he saw a scratch on your head. It was deep or anything. Just a few small scratches. Than he saw a huge bruise. He gasped and went to grab an ice pack and put it in your head. That's the only thing he could do now.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect you princess" he whispers and a tear slip his eye. He kissed your forehead and waited for you to wake up.



Mikey isn't the most quiet and stealth in the group. But this time it was personal. He didn't take no joke to this. Shredder had his skater girl and it was no joke to him. He took everything seriously. When some one has his girl he doesn't take it ands ands joke or something to joke about.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)?" He whisper as he searches for you.

"M-Mikey?" You whisper weakly. You were too weak to get up or anything. His head snap towards you and he ran to you.

"It's ok I'm here" he said and pick you up. You smiled weakly as he runs out of that place before shredder come. He runs you to Donnie for him to help.

"Donnie! Help!" Mikey runs as tears run down his eyes. Once he saw you in the bright light you were bleed and bruised. Donnie ran and patch you up. He didn't want Mikey to come in because he'd distract him. After a few minutes Donnie comes out.

"Let here rest" he said and Mikey nodded. So he put you in his room and he'd even clean up for you! And he waited for you to wake up from your nap.


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