Hang out

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You put on the Space heros movie ams made popcorn. You heard a tap on your window and knew it was Leo. You gasp and jump excitedly. You ran over to the window and open it as leo came in.

"Wow" he says and blusheswhile checking you out. You blush but have a confused look anyways. You smiled and walk to your bed and sat down with the popcorn. You pat a seat and Leo sat next to you. You turn the movie on and started to watch it.

A few moments later Leo ended up scooting closer and closer to you ever moment or every 4 minutes. But you didn't care. But than you felt a light touch on your hand. You blush and figure out he wanted to hold your hand. He smile and chuckle softly before grabbing his hand with only three figures. You look up at him as he blushed bright pink and tighten on your hand and turn back to the move.

Inside you were freaking out because little did you know that you were developing feelings for him.

And this was the best night you have ever had!



You were waiting in your room waiting for Raph. You heard a tap on your window and you knew it was Raph. You jump and was excited as hell.

" Calm down girl it just a turtle" you said and walking over to the window and open it for Raph.

"Wow why are you dresses like like hot shot?" He ask and you roll your eyes.

"I'm at home this is what I normally wear everyday" You said and look at him and he was looking straight at your boobs. You blush and walk off to sit on you bed.

"If you dress like that than I need to come over now often" He said and you roll your eyes. You need to come over often. You thought. He was really being such a flirt with you. But you like it.

"You can if ya want?" You offer. He day next to you. He war really close to you. But out of no whey he took your hand gently and look at it.

"Is your hand ok?" He ask gently rubbing his thumb overt you're hand. You smile before nodding. He didn't let go of your band the entire time he was there. And you didn't want him to.



"Thanks for coming!" You said and open your window.

"Anytime" he says and sat down in your chair and look at the robot.

"This is a Krang it's an alien type thing that had really high tech, I'm not entirely sure how it works but I do know how sort of" he says and you giggle. You walk over and sat next to him and he started to explain some things about the Krang. You've been standing up for about 20 minutes and you were getting tired of standing. But than you were pulling onto Donnie lap and you blush.

" You seem tired of standing so I thought this would be ok? Is it?" He ask and you look at him and smiled.

" Yeah it's fine, now explain to me please" you ask and he smiles. Than he started explaining to you about how if work. You didn't want to leanne the position you were in. You wanted to stay like this for a long time.



Mikey came over and you fits wye playing video games and eating pizza. It was like any other human friends would do. Yall were having a blast. But before you knew Mikey pulled you into a hug.

" Your the besties friends I've ever had well the only one" he says and you laugh and hugged him back.

" Thanks Mikey, what now, " you said pulling back but he pouts at bit and you had no idea what'd wrong.

"What's wrong?" You ask him and he looks at you ams opens his arms or for you too come back.

" I miss you being in my arms" he sayss and you blush but smiled knowing he wanted to hug you longer. To be honest toy wanted it to last longer. So you guys end up cuddling ams play video game almost all night long.

I hope if be like This all the time. You thought and payed back attention to the game.


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