Talk dirty

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So I'm f*cking re writing this bc for some reason it won't work! God I hate when this happens! I've work hard on that chapter. Ugh.... sorry if it's short.



You were in you cheerleading outfit practicing some moves out. Leo was there watching you an he couldn't keep his eyes off you.

"あなたのセクシーな畜生" he says and your eyes widen than you stop but kept going. He'd figure you wouldn't understand him but he thought wrong. (He said: damn your a sexy girl)

"いまいましい女の子" he said. (He said: damn girl) you stop and turn around and smiled.

"感謝の赤ちゃん" you said and he'd blushed. (You said: Thanks baby).

"Y-you'd understood me?" He said and you nodded and went to him.

"Every word" you said.

"ファック!" He shouts. But master splinter heard him.

"Leonardo!" He shouts and Leo stipe and tense up. He whimpers and does puppy eyes on you. You shrugged and kissed him before splinter took him to the dojo for punishment.

"No! (Y/N)! Splinter I'm sorry!" He yells and you giggle but you knew master splinter would only train him until he's weak nothing new or bad.



You and Raph were bored. You had your sports bra on and did push ups. Raph kept look at you. Eyeing you down. He bit his lip and couldn't keep his eye off you.

"あなたのセクシーな動物の可愛い人" he says and you stop and blushed. But you ignored it. (He said: your a sexy animal girl). He figure you don't understand him but you did.

"あなたのセクシーな動物の可愛い人" he says and you gasped. (He said: I want to fuck you hard). But you smirk and turn around to face him.

"喜んで" you said and his eyes widen. (You'd said: with pleasure).

"Y-You understood me?" He ask and you nodded.

"Every word" you said and he crawled closer to you.

"Well in that case" he said pulling you close to him. He leans closer and closer to your ear and whispered.

"私をファック" he whispers and you smirk at him. (He said: fuck me)

"喜んで" you said and pinned him down. (You said: with pleasure). You Lena closer and pressed your lips on him. You two kissed for awhile until some one yelled.

"(Y/N)! Raph!" Master splinter yelled. You two stop and you growled.

"Shell blocker" you mummer. Raph laughs and you got off him.

"This is why I love you. Your funny" he says and kissed your cheek.



You were bent over the table working on one of Donnie chemical things. Also known as one of his "curse". You were really for us but Donnie. He was staring at you butt the whole time! It was so big to him! His finger was under his chin and stares at it.

"いまいましいお尻は大きい" he says as slaps his free hand over your butt and grips on it. You yelp and blushed. (He said: damn your butt is big) you knew what he said but he'd figure you didn't.

"感謝" you said and turned around looking at him over your shoulder. (You said: Thanks). He blushes and grips off your butt.

"Y-You knew what I said?" He and and gulps.

"はい私は赤ちゃんをやる" you giggled and walk closer to him. (You said: yes baby I do). He blushed as you lean closer to his face about an inch away. He couldn't take it so he pulled you in and kissed you. You two kissed for while but than smelled smoke.

"Oh no, Look out!" You said and pushed him but he tend to hover over you, protecting you. Than it explode.

"What happen? It's not suppose to explode" you said and look at Donnie.

"UM, I might of put something in while we where kissing" he said and your eyes widen and look at him like you were going to kill him.

"I'm sorry!" He said and ran off because he was scared of you. You chuckled and began walking to find your boyfriend.



(Mikey's isn't really dirty, well unless if you count it but at the end it is)

You and Mikey where playing video games. You layer on his plastron and he pause the game. You took a drink from your water and he lean closer to your ear.

"あなたは1罰金女性私の女性だ" he said and you blushed. (He said: your one fine lady, my lady) you giggled and look up at him.

"And...あなたの精密な男私の男" you said and he laughed and kissed your cheek. (You said: your one fine man, my man).

"That your right!" He says which caused you to giggle. He loved how you laugh of better yet he loved how he makes you laugh. Only him unless the others do something stupid.

"Mikey do you know how to talk dirty?" You ask him.

"I thought I was" he said and you laughed more. Only him wouldn't know how to.

"No more dirtier" you said and he nods. He leans closer to your ear than whisper in English.

"If you were a tunnel, I'd go up inside you" he says and you gasp and eyes widen.

"Ok yeah you do" you said a bit fast. He laughs and kissed you.

"Ok here, if you were any hotter, if be hugging the sun girl!" He says in his normal self. you giggled and kissed him.

"Better, that my old Mikey, but I also love the dirty Mikey too" you said.

"Than I be both! Silly Mikey at day, and dirty Mikey at night" he says and you gasp.

'Oh Jesus, this is guns be fun' you thought and you shook your head.

"Let's just keep playing video games" you said and he nodded. But inside you couldn't wait until night time.


(Next chap is when he sees you fight)

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