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Hello lovely peeps sorry for being MIA. Happy reading.


"Noooo how could you do this father?"

"I warned him didn't I?"

I think that was Yulia screaming but I was not sure because I have been tackled to the ground and hit my head on the hard floor. I heard the sound of the gun but I don't feel any pain besides my throbbing head. Oh no! Maybe he shot me in the head, but why am I not dead yet. I really need to close my eyes for a second.

"No Lelo please look at me, don't close your eyes sunshine, you will be fine ok." Nikolai said with worry in his voice.

Why is he worried I don't feel anything.

"The ambulance is on its way boss" it sounded like Gerald.

"What about my father?" He asked with his jaw clenched tight.

"He escaped boss"

"Find him, find him now and bring him back to me alive."

I tried raising my head but it felt heavy even opening my eyes seemed an impossible task, so I let the darkness envelope me.

*********TWO WEEKS LATER********

"Why is she not waking up?" Yulia asked

"Don't worry my love, she will wake up, she just needs to find a will to live again." Ivan replied

"How can she, my brother won't even visit her, I really believe hearing his voice will bring her back to us."

"You know Nikolai is stubborn and he won't admit his feelings for her and he blames himself for her getting shot."

"I just wish he could come just once."

"I will try to talk to him, no promises though."

"Thank you honey, he listens to you."

Ivan snorted to that "Yeah right"

*****later that night****

"Aaah grrghm"

"Okay that's enough now. Ivan said. Even if you glare at me, you know I am right"

"Leave me alone man" Nikolai growled

"Yah I am not doing that, I have been doing that for the past weeks."

"Well so continue like that, this is not the girls club, I don't want to talk." Nikolai said

"Why won't you go see her man?" Ivan asked

Nikolai paused at that question and stopped hitting the punching bag. After a pregnant silence he continued to hit the bag even harder almost removing it from where it hangs.

"Nikolai STOP being bloody stubborn, it is no help to anybody." Ivan shouted whilst grabbing the punching bag

"If you don't let go at the punching bag right now I am going to land these fists on your ugly face." Nikolai sneered

"I would like to see you try, besides I have been itching to beat your ass back in line, seems your losing your mind." I van said letting go of the punching bag and punching Nikolai in the ribs

Nikolai launched at his best friend and they started hitting each other everywhere except their faces. When they were tired, they lay down panting.

"You hit like a bitch" Ivan said after a while

"Tell that to the purple ribs you will be spotting tomorrow." Nikolai said smugly

"I went easy on you because, I feel sorry for you."

"Why would you feel sorry for me?" Nikolai asked perplexed

"Because your a wussy who won't admit his true feelings for the girl he likes because his scared."

"I don't love her." He answered to quickly

"Wow love, who said anything about love? Hahaha your whipped man."

"Shut up before I make you."

"Okay. Ivan said raising his hands for surrender. Can you go see her please just for my sake." He asked with a sweet smile

Nikolai frowned "Why would I be doing anything for you, especially that?" He asked with his left eyebrow raised.

"So your sister can be assured that I talked to you and that you actually listened to me this one time."

"Oh so your the one who is pussy whipped and not me." Nikolai said laughing at his best friend

Ignoring what his best friend said "I know you care about her man, so please go see her."


"Nicole I swear if she doesn't wake up by tomorrow I will shake her until she opens her eyes" Yulia moaned

"Don't worry I will help you, she can't leave us we still need her." Replied Nicole

"I wish my brother would come already, but it's been two days since Ivan supposedly "talked to him" and still he is a no show."

"If I was not scared of him, I would drag him myself. Oooh when I fall in love I hope it's not with a dense man like Nikolai" Nicole said

They both burst out laughing.

"The thing is my brother won't even admit his feelings to himself, he is such a weirdo."

"Well I hope he gets over himself soon because I really believe that once she hears his voice she will wake up." Nicole replied

"Oh please ladies please don't tell me you believe all that?" Ivan asked shuddering

"Of course we do honey. Yulia said kissing him and side hugging.

Where is your friend by the way its been two days already?"

"Give him time babe, he thinks it's his fault that Lelo is lying here and he is not taking it well."

"Men are such babies I tell you, they hide from their emotions all the time, cowards." Nicole said

"Ouch I am a man and I am not afraid of feelings, right babe?" Ivan asked Yulia

"Yeah right, it took you forever to tell me, worse the day of my arranged marriage. Almost lost me don't you think?"

"Okay but it was because your my bestie's little sister it was awkward, but then just at the right moment I realised no matter what awkwardness I felt about the situation I couldn't live without you." Ivan said

"Well you must put a ring on it, what are you waiting for?" Nicole asked

"Good question friend."

"I want it to be special babe and when you least expect it. Thanks a lot Nicole." He playfully glared at her while she smiled sheepishly.

"Well it's late we should go to bed and see sleeping beauty here tomorrow, hopefully she will wake up or Nikolai will finally come and wake her up with a kiss.?" Ivan said winking at them.

"Ooh you such a romantic honey."

"Ooh you such a romantic Ivan"

They said at the same time and burst out with laughter. Then they kissed Lelo on her cheeks and left.


Please vote and comment. Mcwaaatjies and happy Easter holiday.


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