Chapter 19

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Hello lovely peeps, sorry I have been MIA. Enjoy the chapter and hope your loving the book. Mcwaaaaatjies


I have been in the make shift hospital for two weeks and I have not seen Nikolai since, which I am thankful for. Every time the door opened I would freak out but soon I realised he was not coming and relaxed a bit. Now I am freaking again because Dr Martin thinks I am ready to be discharged, which puts me in a predicament. One where am I being discharged to? I hope not the basement please, and two what will happen with me and will I ever see my family again? That breaks me the most.

Matilda comes in carrying clothes with her. "Hello Lelo are you ready to go out of here?" She asks with a smile on her face.

"Well I still feel some pain on my head and lower back, maybe Dr Martin can keep me here for another week maybe." I suggest pretending to be in pain all the while.

She bursts out laughing "Don't worry dear, Mr Volkov is not here and I am sure he won't touch you again, well provided you do as he says from now on."

I frown at that, I don't believe I will just accept my predicament, I will wait till they forget I tried to escape and try again and again until I succeed or he kills me, which ever comes first. I refuse to be a slave.

Often we give in to fear and let it paralyse us, because we are afraid of the unknown which is death. Funny though we all know there's no escaping it, we will all die someday. I choose death than to be a slave, I am afraid of the known. The evil that roams the Earth. Between that and dying then I choose to depart this hell.

" here are a change of clothes, go shower and change and wait for Dr Martin." She hands me the clothes and pat my shoulder in a soft caress.

"Okay, thank you for..... I search for the right words.... being there for me." I give her a small smile

Which she returns and says "It was no trouble, like I said since you came master is different, and I had missed this side to him." As she says this she has a wistful look on her face as if thinking about a time when Nikolai was a human being and not the devil he is.

When she leaves and closes the door behind her, I stand to go take my shower. I take my time and enjoy the water as it cascades down my body and soothes me, though not my soul. When the water start to be luke warm I get out, dry myself and latter myself with lotion. After wearing only the panties I put on the leggings and a vest and comfy sweater, avoiding wearing the bra because my back is still soar.

I have been sitting on the bed for about 10 minutes now before Dr Martin came in with a smile on his face. What's with everyone smiling, perhaps they are happy I am going back to be tortured again.

"Miss Lelo how are you feeling?"

I want to lie but he would probably know since his a Doctor and all.

"I have been better." I reply instead

His smile widens at that. "Well I can assure you that all physical wounds have healed nicely and though you might feel slight pain, it's no big deal just bed soars.

I will give you some pain medication and an ointment to apply to the wounds." He says

I just give him a nod.

"Don't worry doch Nikolai regrets what he did and he won't do it again."

I roll my eyes at that and before he can continue with his campaign for Nikolai I interrupt him.

"Dr tell me something....He nods..... are you not afraid to lose your license by working for the mafia?"

He looks at me as if considering to answer me truthfully or not.

"Well how do I put this, I would not be a Doctor if it was not for Nikolai and his family, you can say this is my way of giving back and gratitude towards them." He says.

" I see." I want to cry because everyone seems to be singing his praises. I wanted Dr Martin to say that he threatened to kill his family and forced him to work here.

"Doch he is a good man, who has to do bad things for a living."

"He is a good man to the "legends" aka the Russians, his kind and not to the black people he enforced to slavery." I spit the words in anger and what does he do, he bursts out laughing

A loud contagious laugh that has me almost, I mean only almost laugh as well.

"Doch everyone working here is here because of their own free will, either paying their debt or are descendants of mafia men and women. After paying for their debts they can leave only the legends cannot because they are sworn in by blood, which is why they are perhaps treated differently."

I scoffs because I don't believe him

"Even the prostitutes?" I challenge.

"Even the prostitutes." He says amused for some reason.

But I still don't believe him, I was told my "life belongs to the mafia now. Blah blah" numerous times worst of all I don't owe them nothing and how could I have been a witness to something I wish I didn't see plus I didn't know who they were then.

Talk about bad luck and put my name next to it.

"All done and please take it easy okay, don't look so gloomy. Here is your medication and if for some reason you feel pain get them to call me."

"Okay sure." I mumble.

"Take it easy and enjoy your day, get some fresh air."

I mentally roll my eyes at that I don't even think I will be allowed to step near a window again.

"Bye bye." I say instead

Now I am all alone and I don't know what to do or where to go, maybe I should go look for Matilda.

When I open the door I nearly bump to Yulia and Nicole who are breathless.

"Sorry we are late we were supposed to be here a long time ago, if it was not for this one." Nicole says as she points an accusing finger at Yulia

"Hey it's your fault for arguing with me about which flavour to get, besides who doesn't like chocolate cake?" Yulia retorts back

"I don't, chocolate is aarghh yucky."Nicole says with a duh tone.

"You mean yummy." Dumb ass Yulia throws back.

This goes on for a while until I feel my headache coming back. "STOP IT." I yell at them. They both go quiet but still glaring at each other.

"Why are you arguing about cake?" I ask after a beat.

"We went to the store to get your welcome back party supplies and we couldn't decide on which flavour you would like for your cake, which of course it's obviously chooo ccco lllate." Yulia says looking at Nicole when she says chocolate like that making me laugh a little.

Nicole just huffs at that but says nothing.

" welcome back party for me, wow thanks but it was not necessary and I don't mind any flavour will do, I am more of a savoury person than a sweets person."

They both roll their eyes at me before dragging me to a lift at the end of the hall and once we are in the main house they drag me to the living room.

The room is transformed with decorations and a welcome back banner is hanging on the ceiling with balloons and food and drinks on the table and two cakes, one chocolate and one vanilla.

I beem at my friends before we share a group hug and I kiss their cheeks.

We all yell "let's get this party started." And we laugh.


Doch -means child in Russian

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