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Hello lovely people sorry for being MIA. Here is another chapter enjoooyyyyy.

There's an awkward silence after that, maybe I should just leave them be, at least she is safe for now.

Just as I was about to walk out Ivan speaks

"come on ladies the capo wants to talk in private with his betrothed." he says to my sister and Nicole

They each hug her and promise to come back with cake and ice cream. Girls always thinking about food.

When everyone has left I walk closer to her bed, she is looking at me as if she is holding her breath. We are both starring at each other and it seems we can't break eye contact. I don't know what is going on but I have the sudden urge to hug her real tight, I don't like feeling like this, it's weak, it's as if I am going to break in half or burst in flames. I am really uncomfortable, out of my limits here, it was better when she was still in a coma.

"Hello Nikolai" she says in a small dry voice

"Do you need water?" I ask immediately, it's the polite thing to ask right? Now my voice sounds scratchy too damn it.

"Yes please a hug" she replied

OK I am imagining this or hearing things, both not good for me, what is she doing to me?



Oh my gosh really Lelo? You sound so needy and the stuttering aiy yah yah. But I can't deny what I feel any longer, I almost died for gods sake.

Waking up the first person I hoped to see was him, not my parents or siblings not even the crazy friends I made here in this place. I might have imagined it but I think he came here while I was in the coma and he called me his sunshine, maybe it was a dream.

He didn't move a muscle maybe he didn't hear me.

"Oophm" suddenly I am being crushed into a muscular chest and my arms automatically go around his neck and he smells so good. Oh no I must smell horrible I haven't had a bath in weeks or months I don't know. Suddenly I feel self conscious and try to pull away.

"Stop it, hold still I don't want to hurt you" Nikolai says with his deep voice

And I just melt in his embrace. We stayed like that for what felt like forever but probably a minute or so.

"Look I know we were supposed to get married for the contract and all but I have to tell you something.... I am.. .." he cuts me off before I finish.

"You just woke up please don't worry about silly weddings and contracts, get better first then we will talk. Okay" he says

He is cold again I can tell by how his tone is clipped and his shoulders have turned stiff.

"Okay" I say deflated

I can't believe I almost spilled my guts and told him of my un dieying love for him.

He doesn't feel the same way, Nicole and Yulia miss read the signs, he will always be a cold and arrogant man. That I unfortunately have to learn to un love again.

Suddenly I feel cold he should just go

"Rest now I will come back later, is the anything you want me to bring?" he asked

Oh gosh he is trying to be kind, probably because it's his father who shot me and he feels bad. Yah it has to be it.

"I am fine I don't need anything." from you." I said that last part to myself.

I sound so sulky, well whatever I don't care at this point.

"Are you sure you are ok, I mean I am sure Matilda is giving you her famous speedy recovery soup, and yes it does the work but it is awful." Nikolai said smirking

"It's not so bad, besides I do want to recover as soon as possible." I replied back

His smirk dropped and was replaced by a sad  smile but he quickly covered it up with his infamous cold blank look.

"Okay Lelo I will leave you to rest now, if you need anything tell Andre he will sort it out. Okay?" he said before he turned and walked out of the infirmary as if his pants were on fire.

I don't get him at all, he is stoic one minute, playful at times and cold most times. And somehow if I am honest with myself. That is how he draws me in, I am deeply in love with him and if I allow myself to wish I think we shared a moment when he hug me.

I love him despite all that he has done to me, I love him even though he blows hot and cold. I am royally screwed.

A part of me will always remember that he forced himself on me once. I am screwed, really really screwed, I pray I don't have stockholm syndrome.


She did ask me to hug her, even if she whispered it. Then she got angry at me for some reason.

"Aargh. That's why I never want the company of a woman only what's between her legs." he murmured to himself

"Speaking alone boss is a sign of mental illness." Andre said smirking

I glared at him "You won't be able to say those words again if I put a bullet between your eyes." it was my turn to smirk.

"Sorry boss, I was joking." he said nervously

"So was I, no need to look scared. he rexaled immediately after I said that.

Look I need you to get Lelo what ever she wants and tell the maids to move all her belongings to the room adjacent to mine."

"You never share your floor boss." he asked or said curiously.

"I don't explain myself to anyone Andre, will you be able to do what I ask or is your simple brain unable to?" I asked.

He was beginning to piss me off.

"What has gotten to him? More than the usual I mean?" Ivan asked as he came around the corner.

"Piss off loser" I shouted at him.

Classic him he just laughed at me. I swear if he wasn't my best friend, he would be compost by now.

"The boss wants me to get Lelo whatever she wants, he also aargrrhm *cough* wants the maid to move her staff on his floor." Andre told Ivan with a sheepish smile on his face.

"No way, you're kidding right? Yulia and I are not allowed at his private floor but Lelo gets to move in? 🤔"

"You both go there anyway" I said frustrated. By all of them, Lelo included.

"Yah by force" Ivan deadpaned

"You know what I will be in the dungeon beating the hell out of whoever is there. You are all frustrating me now."

"Lelo especially I take it my friend." Ivan said

"Fuck you." I growled the words at him

"Nah sorry buddy, your sister already is. he realised what he had said after he said it. Oops." he said running.

"You better run because when I catch you your dead man." I said as I ran after him. Looks like I won't have to go to the dungeon to let go of some steam.


Sorry guys it took so long to update. I am back now and we are nearly at the end of Lelo and Nikolai's love story. Please don't forget to vote or leave a comment. Mcwaatjies

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