Chapter 12

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Hello peeps sorry about the slow update. Happy reading


I hate mornings and I hate them more so now that I am here. I get up and go take a shower and get ready for today's work. The moment I step into the kitchen I want to turn back and wait until Matilda arrives but I have no such luck and Minky and her crew already saw me.

"Hey girl come over here" Minky calls to me. I ignore her and stand by the wall.

"Are you deaf?" She scoffs

"Since when do we talk to each other?" I ask her

"Don't flutter yourself I just wanted you to fetch me water, as your superior." She said and her minions start to laugh. They need to grow up.

I don't say anything and just flip her a bird. Just as she is about to say something Matilda walks in and she keeps quiet. I want to laugh at her but do not as well, no one messes with her. She is kind but do not take her kindness for weakness, I guess that is why she is in charge of the house.

When she called my name I thought it was for my duties but no it was for an entirely different thing.

"Miss Lelo Mr Volkov does not like to be kept waiting." As soon as she says that I Sprint in the way to Nikolai's office and I hear Minky and her friends laugh and say they hope my punishment is worse than last time. I guess I heard her right the first when Matilda told, but I was hoping I misunderstood. What could he want from me, I hope I am not in trouble.

I knocked on the heavy wooden door of his office and wait, he never says come in, just as I am about to knock again when he pulls the door open and gestures for me to enter. I go stand by his desk he comes around and sit on his chair. He starts to type on his laptop

Okay the suspense is killing me, I have been standing here for the last five minutes and it feels like five hours.

"Nikolai I didn't know that I was not supposed to take a day off and the clothes Yulia bought me, I have not worn any of them I can give them back...." I ramble on but he stops me by raising his finger and signaling me to shut up

When his done typing he closes the screen and signal with the wave of his to come near him. I move and stand by him not sure if I am close enough or not.

"Come sit on my lap." He says with that deep voice of his that I like so much but I don't move an inch.

"No" I say without my voice coming out weak.

"You really like to test my limits don't you?" He asks. He doesn't look pissed though, like he usually is most of the time.

"No" I answer him

"No you don't want to sit on my lap or no you don't like to test me?" He arch's his brow and cock his head to the side.

"No I don't like to test your limits." I am so proud of my voice it sounds strong and unaffected.

"Lets see, you call me by my name and not boss like the other employees, I don't even know where you get the guts to do that.

You never do what I tell you to do the first time around even though you know I hate repeating myself.

Ooh jah and you just refused an order now, thinking it was a request." As he finishes his speech he pulls me by waist and fall on his lap unceremoniously, because he caught me off guard.

"Well I don't like being told what to do and I told you know one owns me not even you." I try to wiggle out of his lap but he is holding me down with his hands to sit still.

"Stop wiggling unless you want me to fuck you in this chair right now." He growls the words through his teeth. And I still immediately because of his threat.

"Don't look so scared I won't unless you want me to."He says.

I turn my neck a little so i can see his face. He looks like he means what his saying but that time he never stopped. As if he can read my thoughts. He shifts my body so that I straddling him and grabs my chin.

"I am sorry about that night, I don't remember most of what happened, I was on some high shot and I am not making any excuses for what happened, but I promise you that even though I am a criminal I respect women......

He pauses when he sees I am crying, I don't even know when I started crying. He looks alarmed like he doesn't know what to do with a crying woman in his lap but he pulls me to his chest and my body starts to shake from the sobs. After what feels like a while I start to come down and my sobs are now sniffs.

He pulls me away from his chest so gently so that he can look at my face, I think he thinks if his gentle I will not cry again. And he continues with his apology speech.

As I was saying what I did to you that night was wrong and if I could take it back I would, but I can't, I can only make it up to you." He is looking at me to answer him.

"Was that an admission and an apology?"

" Yes" he answers through his teeth as if admitting what he did and apologising for it is drawing blood from him. I almost want to laugh at him but I don't, I feel so morose about this whole situation.

"Well you said you can make it up me.... I say and he raises his brow again willing me to continue

Well there's only one thing I want and it's my freedom." The minute the words are out of my mouth he has shoved me off of his lap and I land on my butt on the hard floor. Dick.

"Which part of YOU are NEVER EVER LEAVING here don't you get?" He is livid and looking at me like I am some cockroach he wants to squash under his massive shoe.

"You said you wanted to make it up to me." I counter back already defeated. I stand up and move away from him.

He takes a couple of deep breaths to calm himself I presume. "By that little girl I meant that maybe you might want the week off or jewellery money."

All I see is blood, I am so angry I am shaking. "You raped me you asshole whether you meant to or not, whether you were "out of it because of drugs" or not... I use my hands to air quote what I am saying.... money and time off won't ever take that back, you took my virginity without my consent and now I would never ever attend Umkhosi womhlanga ( Reed dance) I actually thought your apology was sincere." I finish with my chest heaving up and down from lack of breathing and anger as I say the words in a hurry.

"I apologised, something I never do ever, so consider yourself special and don't you dare raise your voice at me again this is your last warning."

"SPECIAL, SPECIAL ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW?" I scream the words from the top of my lungs and I don't care that he just gave me my last warning about raising my voice at him. I turn and go straight for the door I need to get out of here before I murder a mafia boss. I don't turn around to see his face as I have screamed at him and I am scared of him even though I am angry as hell at the moment. I hear movement behind me and I bolt to the door running out of the office and only stopping in my room and locking the door.

What if he comes here, he will surely kick the door down and then it's off with my head. I am panicking so much but at the time I was really angry, he really loves throwing that word in my face and it's irritating because I don't feel SPECIAL!!!

Please vote and comment I would love to hear from you. Sorry for any errors I will edit the book once I have finished writing it.

Thank you so much stay safe and stay home so we can defeat corona virus.

Umkhosi womhlanga (REED DANCE) is an annual ritual dance that is done by virgins in Kwazulu Natal South Africa and Swaziland, they collect reed sticks from the wet lands and take them to the Inkosi's (Kings) home. Those who are ready for marriage and proposed to by the bachelor's who attend agree to the marriage by giving the suitor ucwe (bracelet) also known as the Zulu love letter

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