Chapter 14

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Hello lovely peeps, I know it's been a while. I am sorry for the late update and my excuse is laziness. Happy reading


"Aaaaaah!! I will get you for this." Yulia yells at me, while I am laughing at her.

"Its not my fault your too slow, besides you needed to cool off a bit."

We were sun bathing, well she was and I was sitting by the pool dipping my toes on the water when she decided to push me, knowing very well I can't swim.

"Payback is a bitch I tell you." We both laugh hard at her words.

" I have been meaning to ask you since you came back a week ago..... I pause gauging her reaction, when she nods giving me the go ahead to ask her I ask......

Where do you disappear to when you go, you never even say goodbye, one evening your here and the next morning your gone?"

She sighs " I go on missions for the mafia."

"Oh" is all I am able to say, I don't want to know what she does on those missions. Ok I am lieying I do. I puff my chest to ask that question but it's as if she read my mind because she says...

" Don't ask because I can't tell you."

We decide to go and watch some TV in her Disney wonderland bedroom. An hour into the movie and someone knocks at her door and opens the door without waiting for a reply, no shocker there its her big brother.

" Sis I need you to help my assistant in organising the deals exchange party."

Hello to you too Jackass. He has not seen us today but he doesn't greet us he is so rude, wait or maybe he has already seen his sister and doesn't care enough to greet me.

Lately I have been feeling strange in a sense that I seem to want to hear his voice even if it's to yell at me or just to see him smiling or not, I guess scowling and smirking is more like it since I have never seen him smile.

He exits the room and I turn my eyes to Yulia. "So this party is it like the last one?" I gulp thinking about it as I ask.

"No Lelo this one is more formal and it is about exchanging of goods......How do I put it, like one mafia group has a certain thing or things that the other mafia group wants. The other mafia group will ask for something that they don't have in return from the other group and if they have an accord they exchange the deal.

"Oh so you need a party for that?" I ask confused.

She laughs at me " Well it's easier to make business sometimes in a relaxed environment over a glass of expensive liquor." She winks at me.

I doubt it would be a relaxed environment with mafia men and guns, but I don't share my thoughts.

" So would you like to come with me to do shopping for the party?" She asks as she pours herself water

To go outside again and maybe make a run for it, hell yeah I am game. " I would love to, I could use the fresh air." I say instead.

Since the incident in the kitchen and Nikolai punishing me to isolation, I have been extra alone and miserable save for the times Matilda or Yulia are around. I always finish my work around 10 am and that has given my haters more ammunition to hate me. No one talks to me, the men avoid me because as soon as I enter the kitchen or living room when they are around, they leave immediately.

At least since Yulia came back I have some company and she has refused to eat dinner with her brother and boyfriend because Nikolai will not share a table with the help aka me because I have seen him eat with his men before. Alas Yulia eats with me at the kitchen table so I don't eat alone.

There's a knock again at the door but this time, the person behind the door waits for a come in.

" Come in." We both say at the same time.

It's Ivan of course he has manners unlike his friend. "Hello babe....He greets Yulia and peck her lips then turn to me with a smile what do you know his polar opposite to his friend.... Hello Lelo."

I smile back at them "Hello Ivan. I should go see you tomorrow girl."

Just before I reach the door Yulia asks

"Are you not coming to dinner tonight?" with one brow raised.

"Oh I thought maybe you and Ivan have plans." I say lamely.

"No don't worry about me as long as she sleeps in my arms I will be alright." Ivan replied

He is so sweet. "See you at dinner then?" Yulia asks and I nod and leave the room.

I decide on the way to my cell :-) ok bedroom that I should go to the library and pass some time there. I hope he has no guest he wants to fuck there again.

It was dark when I finished reading and headed to the kitchen for dinner as I approached the door I heard two familiar voices speaking, I was about to enter when I heard my name and decided to eavesdrop.

" You have to admit that since miss Lelo has been here, he is kind again almost like his old self." Matilda said.

" I don't know, he is always a jerk towards her." Yulia replied.

"Even so he still protects her and she has less work than all of us."

"Yeah that is where he has lost me, his mean to her and yet he treats her special than the rest of us."

I have heard enough, especially that SPECIAL word. Not Yulia too. I try to smile but I fail miserably and by the looks they are giving me I can tell they are asking themselves if I overheard their conversation.

"Matilda it smells nice in here, what did the cook make?" I ask and they seem to relax

"He made beef stroganoff and rice and a salad." She replies

"Oh let's eat what are we waiting for." I say and Matilda goes and fetches the wine in the fridge to pour for all of us

The rest of dinner time is spent with Matilda animatedly telling us about the time she was in her twenties and all the hearts she broke. When we are finished I clear the table and wash the dishes in the sink, whilst I am doing that Matilda opens another bottle of wine.

"Okay this is my last glass, Ivan will be mad at me if I go to bed late. I don't need to be punished again, I am still recovering from the last one."

When Yulia finishes her ranting, Matilda and I look at each other and burst out laughing, she joins us and the entire kitchen is filled with our laughter.

Once I am in my room I go take a shower and brush my teeth. As I lay in this bed of this house I can't help but feel nostalgic about running away, yes tonight was fun but this is not my life and my family is worried about me. Soon sleep engulfed me and I dreamt I was home and my dad made a braai to celebrate my return home.


* Braai - is a South African barbeque

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Loads of love mcwaaaaaatjies

Stay home and stay safe

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