Chapter 1 - Welcome Home

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Welcome Home

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"Suho!" The young blonde screamed dropping her bags then running into the embrace of Lee Suho, who was standing in the airport with a huge sign and flowers waiting for her arrival. The pair ignored the glances and whispers from the people around them and just enjoyed each other's presence after being separated for so long.

"How was New York?" He asked taking the suitcases from her hand so she didn't have to carry them as they walked towards a taxi.

"It was great, I definitely missed home though," she said recalling all the times she felt homesick at night in the city that never sleeps.

"Well, I'm glad you're home." he genuinely said knowing that he truly missed his only friend that he hadn't seen in a year unless it was through a screen, and since they had a huge timezone difference, he didn't get to call her as often as he had liked.

He opened the taxi door for the girl before walking to the back of the car to put her suitcases in then got in the taxi as well.

"Are you excited to go back to school?" he asked after giving the driver the address of his house.

"Normally the answer would be no, but I'm excited to finally not be doing online learning so yes," she said while resting her head on his shoulder since she was tired from the long plane ride.

"Are you tired?" he asked resting his head on top of hers after slipping an arm around her waist for comfort.

"No." she stubbornly replied while trying to hide a yawn at the same time since she wanted to stay awake and talk to him, which only made the boy beside her chuckle at her behavior.

"Get some sleep, I'll wake you up when we arrive." he told her to which she gave in to at his words and let her eyes close.


"Wow this place has not changed a bit," Areum said walking into Suho's apartment and looking around.

Suho walked in behind her and moved her suitcases to the bedroom before coming back out to the living room where she was currently standing.

"Don't worry my dad's finishing up the paperwork for my apartment so I won't be stay here and bother you for long," she smiled at the boy taking a seat on the couch.

"My dearest Cha Areum, it pains me that you think you're a bother to me," he said dramatically with a hand over his heart making the girl's cheeks turn rosy pink at his words.

They were silent for a moment, staring at each other as the both of their faces showed an obvious shade of red before Areum remembered that she had gotten a gift for him while away.

"I'll be right back, I have something for you." She said getting up and walking to her suitcases to grab a light grey gift bag.

"Here you go," she took a seat in front of him and handed him the bag.

"You really shouldn't have, the gift of you actually coming back was enough for me." he said slowly opening the bag.

Ignore the fact that her stomach was doing flips she responded, "Just open it!"

He opened the bag and inside was a smaller box along with a Burberry trench coat.

"I got you another one since you wear them often," she said watching him pick up and examine the coat with a smile.

"Plus you look good in them anyways." She said looking away and the boy blushed at her words.

"Open the smaller box!" She clapped excitedly seeing that he hadn't opened it.

He opened the box and inside was a small silver ring with both of their initials and a lock. He quickly picked it up and placed it on his finger and smiled widely at the piece of jewelry.

"And look! I have a matching necklace," Areum exclaims pulling out the necklace that was hidden under her shirt. The necklace was a key that matched the lock on the ring, it had both of their initials as well.

As if it was even possible Suho's smile grew wider and this and instantly pulled her closer and lifted up the necklace with the finger that had the ring on it and examine how the pieces of jewelry corresponded to each other.

"I saw it while shopping and I knew I had to get it since our old matching bracelets broke," she said.

"Well I'm glad you did, it's really pretty."


A/N : The title of the book isn't permanent and it may get changed however the idea of it is the same!!

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