Chapter 42 - Teamed Up

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Teamed Up

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"So we're just going to confront her, just like that?" Areum asked Soo-jin for confirmation as they walked into the classroom after talking to Hye-min. 

"Yes, it's the fastest way possible and plus if she doesn't want to admit to her wrong doings, Hye-min sent me pictures of the 'old her'", Soo-jin explained pulling out her phone and showed Areum the pictures of Jugyeong being bullied with her other face. 

"Alright," Areum mumbled as they walked closer to Jugyeong who sat at her desk, reading a comic book as if she had done nothing wrong while snacking on some potato chips. 

"Soo-jin!" Soo-ah sprung up from her seat and rushed over to the girl looking worried. 

"Are you okay? I heard about what happened," Soo-ah said frowning as she quickly wrapped her arms around Soo-jin and embraced her. 

Soo-jin didn't say anything but nod after letting the cheerful girl go. 

"Lim Jugyeong, you better apologize." Seo-jun slammed his hands on her desk after he pushed past the students surround her desk. He was going to let Soo-jin confront her herself, but after seeing how the girl could be so happy and carefree while the girl he loved was struggling mentally, he wanted to help. 

"Apologize for what?" Jugyeong blinked shocked at the sudden impact after seeing her water bottle fall off the desk. 

"You know what you have to apologize for, what gives you the right to invade our privacy like that?" Areum shouted throwing the broken necklace along with the listening bug onto her desk. 

Jugyeong's eyes expanded seeing the necklace that she had switched being thrown at her. 

"How did it even break?" She mumbled quietly as she grabbed the necklace and began examining it. The saleswoman had claimed that it would be as hard as an actual diamond, there's no way she got scammed. 

The other students began to grab their phones to record the whole situation, it was like free entertainment. 

"Lim Jugyeong are you the one that posted the post about Areum?" A male student shouted as he zoomed in on her face waiting for her reply. 

In any other situation, Jugyeong would've loved the attention that she had now. But this type of attention wasn't the type she wanted. Her reputation was getting worse by day and this wasn't one of the things she was promised. 

"Jugyeong did you really do that?" Soo-ah gasped putting her hand over her mouth as she looked at Jugyeong who seemed to tense up hearing those words come out of Soo-ah. 

"I didn't post anything! It wasn't me I swear!" Jugyeong shouted throwing her hands up in the air as people shouted accusations at her. 

Hearing enough of her lies, Areum grabbed Jugyeong up out of her seat by her arm and pulled her outside, passing Soo-ah on the way with Jugyeong making pleading eyes at Soo-ah hoping that she would save her. 

"I need you to delete that post," Areum glared at her as she and Soo-jin cornered Jugyeong outside of the classroom. 

"What did you gain from posting that? Why did you post that?" Soo-jin shouted at Jugyeong who still wore a confused expression on her face as the two girls accused her of her wrong doings. 

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