Chapter 5 - Birthday Boy

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Birthday Boy

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"Do you know her?" Areum whispered into Suho's ear as they sat in the comic store in front of the girl named 'Ju-Bal'.

Suho simply shook his head to imply that he did and he whispered back to her telling her that he'd tell her later. 

She wanted Suho to be at the comic place before midnight so he could spend his early birthday morning at his comfort place before she dragged him elsewhere to celebrate. 

The three of them had bumped into each other once again much to Jugyeong's dismay and while Areum was using the restroom, she and Suho had a conversation which led to him needing to sign a contract of some sort. 

"Can you both sign here?" She pointed at the piece of paper that she laid in front of them along with a pen. 

Areum picked up the piece of paper and read it along with Suho who peered it over her shoulder before realizing that the girl simply copied the oath from 'the Underworld Oath' and looked over to Suho who gave her another nod initiating that he was thinking the exact same thing. 

"Is it really that big of a deal?" Areum asked placing down the contract. After all she didn't even know the girl but for whatever reason the girl wanted her to sign as well. 

"It's really important to me so please," the girl pleaded and pointed at the lines where the signatures were needed. 

Since her father was a businessman, Areum knew better to sign random contracts without thinking it over and making sure it wasn't a trick or prank. 

While picking up the contract again and reading the words more carefully now, she overheard the two bickering about comics. 

"Cursed Mask," Suho and Jugyeong said at the same time making Areum look up at the mention of Suho and her's favorite comic series. 

"I even have the first edition of the book with it signed." Jugyeong said proudly making Areum gasp and hold up the pen and paper while saying, "I'll sign this for it."

"Sign the copy and run my errands for me," Jugyeong simply said as the two sitting across from her nodded and hurried to sign the contract. 

After signing the contract Jugyeong had announced she was hungry which led to Areum and Suho running around buying her snacks and drinks. Areum carried back some chips and soft drinks back for her while Suho held a plate with two bowls of ramen on top. 

"Here you go," Areum said placing the food on the table as Jugyeong thanked the both of them and dug into her food. 

Suho and Areum both sat on the couch waiting for the girl to finish her food and not knowing what to do as they waited. 

"Here," Jugyeong said offering them a bowl to which Areum let Suho have since it was his birthday. 

"Not exactly the birthday breakfast I had in mind for you but here," Areum whispered handing the bowl of ramen over to him. 

Jugyeong felt bad fore making Suho run errands for her on her birthday, but as soon as she sneezed and a noodle came out of her nose she wanted to fade away along with the sympathy she had for him. 

Soon after the embarrassment died down Jugyeong quickly stood up and mentioned for Suho and Areum to follow her. She lead them to a bookshelf before looking for an old book. As soon as she found it she opened the book and inside was an old collectable sticker. 

"Here, happy birthday," she said giving it to Suho who accepted it gratefully since he didn't really get gifts from anyone besides Areum on his birthday. He couldn't deny the fact that his stomach bursted from happiness at Jugyeong's small gift. 


"Come on! Come on!" Areum yelled over to Suho who was jogging to catch up with the running girl. 

After the comic store Areum had taken Suho out to eat a better breakfast than ramen and they had spent the day together at the arcade they've always been to ever since they were kids. Now they were spending the evening at a beach with Korean BBQ restaurant nearby. 

"Got you," Suho said grabbing her and spun her around so she was now facing him. 

The two then proceeded to sit down on the sand to watch the sun go down as seagulls fly by over their heads and the sound of waves crashing filled their ears. 

"The sky's so pretty," Areum said admiring the bright sky filled of colors like yellow, pink, and purple. 

'But you're so much prettier,' Suho thought but he couldn't find it in himself to say it out loud. He knew he liked the girl. However he was scared. Scared that she might not feel the same. Scared that it might ruin their beautiful friendship. Scared that if their friendship got ruined she may go and become friends with Seo-jun. It was a risk he simply wasn't willing to take at the moment. 

"Are you hungry?" She asked checking the time on her phone and breaking Suho away from his wandering thoughts. 

Suho nodded and help her stood up and they walked side by side to the restaurant to where they would end their fun day with Korean delicacies. 


A/N : Please Vote!!

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