Chapter 25 - Field Fight

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Field Fight

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"I can't believe you managed to convince me to go on a walk, at night." Areum exclaimed as she kept her hands in the pockets of her oversized jacket because of the chilly breezy night.

"I heard from Seo-jun that the boys are going into the forest tonight to hunt some 'ghost'", Soo-jin shrugged as they kept walking until they heard a rustling noise and the noise of someone falling.

Areum jumped behind Soo-jin who laughed at her instinct before shinning the flashlight towards the noise.

"Whose there?" Areum called out from behind Soo-jin.

The culprit of the noise stood up facing them and both girls were about to run away until they realized it was Suho.

"What are you doing here?" Areum asked stepping out from behind and seeing that he was drenched in water as if he took a nightly swim at the nearby lake.

"Went for a walk," Suho nervously tried to convince the two. Areum quickly walked over to him and took off her jacket and placed it around him. Luckily for her the jacket was oversized so it had fit Suho like a normal jacket would.

"You'll get a cold." Areum told him as Suho nodded towards her with appreciation. She ignored the goosebumps that she was getting because of the cold and focused on making sure he didn't get sick. She may be cold but at least she was wet and cold.

"Okay come on you two, let's go." Soo-jin called out as they began to walk away until they heard another rustling noise.

"There's someone else," Soo-jin said pointing the flashlight over once again before Suho stopped her and directed the flashlight somewhere else.

"There's no one let's go," Suho lied as he swung his arms over both girls and hurried them away from where Jugyeong was hiding.

After feeling the wind once again Areum had enough and snatched her jacket back from Suho who looked at her in confusion.

"I think someone's waiting for you," she said not even bothering to look at him and while she ignored the aching feeling in her heart, she slipped the jacket back on and walked away with, Soo-jin who managed to flip Suho off from behind.


"I can not believe I'm taking care of these two babies," Soo-jin teasingly complained as she placed a blanket over Areum and Seo-jun who fell asleep on the bus after a game of scavenger hunt.

Soo-jin walked off letting them sleep since she knew that the two of them really needed it after a long trip.

As she walked off the bus she saw Suho approaching the bus and quickly ran out of his sight because she didn't want to talk to him.

"What the hell?" Suho mumbled as soon as he spotted Areum laying on Seo-jun's shoulder, sound asleep, through the window.

He quickly ran up the stairs of the bus, waking Seo-jun up but not Areum.

"Why are you so loud, we are trying to sleep." Seo-jun glared at him while Suho sent a glare back as well.

"What are you doing to her?" Suho said getting ready to reach over for Areum before Seo-jun stopped him.

"What gives you the right to go around grabbing people?" He said slapping Suho's arm away while getting up, after making sure Areum was comfortable as she slept.

"She's my friend, I have every right to look after her," Suho said walking closer to Seo-jun.

Seo-jun immediately pushed the boy back sending him falling into the seat across from them.

"She's my friend too, which means I have every right to stop you."

Suho instantly got back up to push him back and the boys ended up off the bus, and in the middle of nearby field.

"Why are you suddenly so interested in Areum?" Suho asked frustrated as he tackled Seo-jun to the ground before they both got up, unharmed so far.

Seo-jun jumped and sent a punch his way as they both fell down, once again.

"What's with your sudden lack of interest in her?"

Suho instantly flung Seo-jun off of him once Seo-jun had tackled him again.

"What do you mean lack of interest? I've always been interested in her!" Suho screamed catching the attention of a few classmates, but luckily for him they couldn't hear exactly what he was saying.

Both boys ended up laying on the field, panting after a long fight.

"That's a weird way of putting it while you claim to like some other girl," Seo-jun panted while trying to catch his breath.

Suho didn't reply to that but instead focused on getting his breathing back.


A few hours after the fight, the crowd of students gathered around to watch performances on the little stage.

The sun had set and the sky was filled with stars making it a great night for stargazing.

Areum sat beside Soo-jin as they watched Seo-jun group of friends perform some sort of show.

As she watched the performance she instantly looked over to Seo-jun, remembering that he could sing.

"Seo-jun I dare you to get on the stage and sing us a song," she said to him catching the attention of Suho as well. Suho looked over at her trying to figure out why she was actually friends with Seo-jun now. 'Did she forget how awful he had treated him?' Suho questioned as he played with the ring on his finger that matched the shining necklace, due to the lights, that visibly hung around Areum's neck.

"Yeah Seo-jun go sing us a song!" Soo-jin nudged him making him eventually stand up to head over to the stage.

Both girls watched and clapped for him as he went on stage making Suho grow upset as he watched Areum support him the same way she used to support him.

He really did miss his friend but wasn't sure why she was upset and growing distant from him. He wanted her back but he didn't even understand why this was happening in the first place.

His attention changed once he saw Jugyeong stand up and walked off from that area. Jugyeong seen the way he looked at Areum and she wasn't sure that she was the girl he had eyes for anymore.

Suho instantly stood up to chase after her while Areum watched him run off.

She toyed with the necklace that she wore trying to blink away the tears since she didn't want Soo-jin noticing. After all it was clear that Seo-jun was singing a song that was dedicated to Soo-jin and she couldn't interrupt that by being selfish.


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