Chapter 28 - Bus Ride Home

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Bus Ride Home

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"Wait so he doesn't like Jugyeong?" Soo-jin asked after Areum told her about the whole conversation she just had with Suho while they sat on the bus for their bus ride back to the school. 

"Well, to be honest I don't know." Areum said as she laid back on the seat and propped her legs up so her knees were pushing the forward seat, thankfully no one was actually sitting there.

"Well I think he likes you," Soo-jin said looking over at Areum, "but I don't think you should let him in so easily again."

Areum looked up at her words and agreed since she has thought about that. She did think about how terrible the whole situation was since Suho didn't only kiss her, but also another girl not even an hour before he kissed her, honestly thinking about it now was enough to make Areum want to throw up at the fact that she got kissed with the germs of Jugyeong. She was just too happy at the fact that he might've liked her that she didn't even think about his other actions. Thankfully, she was realizing now.

"What should I do?" Areum asked Soo-jin before sitting up straight.

Soo-jin shrugged. Then she formed a mischievous smile, "I think you should make him work for your love."

Areum raised an eyebrow at her suggestion, "like play hard to get?"

Soo-jin nodded. "It's the best way in my opinion to get a boy to notice you plus it shows commitment. If he gives up, he isn't worth it. However if he stays and continues trying, he obviously really likes you."

Areum nodded. "Just like how you're playing hard to get with Seo-jun?" she asked innocently. 

Soo-jin, who was taking a sip of water from her water bottle choked upon hearing her words. 

Areum patted Soo-jin's back in support while laughing at her reaction.

"What? No! I don't even like Seo-jun!" Soo-jin exclaimed while Areum wasn't sure if Soo-jin's face was red from her question or from choking. 

"Wait who do you like?" Another student that was sitting across from them asked since Soo-jin talked a little bit too loud. 

"Yeah! Who do you like?" Cho-rang screamed being nosy as well. Since he screamed, every student on the bus heard it which resulted in everyone's attention on them. 

"No one!" Soo-jin assured while Areum laughed at the situation they were in. 

"HEY! Areum needs to tell us who she likes too, she admitted that she did like someone when we played the lie detector game!" Seo-jun yelled so that the attention was brought off the uncomfortable Soo-jin. 

Soo-jin quickly sent him a smile as her way of saying thanks while Areum was now put into the spotlight. 

"Tell us!" Soo-ah cheered while others began to chant, "tell us."

Areum noticed Suho eyeing her from his seat and the words that Soo-jin said replayed in her mind. 'Play hard to get.'

Areum straighten up and made sure Suho could hear her, "I don't like anyone, I lied when we played the game." 

Suho looked taken back while in contrast Soo-jin sent Areum an assuring nod. 

"But the lie detector never lies!" Cho-rang exclaimed with the students agreeing with him. 

"She wasn't exactly lying!" Soo-jin suddenly yelled making all eyes turn to her once again, Suho and Areum both included.

"I wasn't?" Areum mumbled to Soo-jin who ignored her.

"She has a crush on the Mr. Star Baseball Player that came to visit us the other day!" She exclaimed while Suho narrowed his eyes at both girls. Seo-jun also looked confused but the other students bought their lies. 

Then Areum remembered that she had promised she'd show up at his final game next week and made a mental note to go buy a nice outfit for the event. 

"She's so lucky Hyung-jin is so handsome!" A female student squealed to her friend that sat next to her. 

"I agree! Don't you agree Suho?" Soo-jin asked Suho who suddenly became nervous while everyone wondered why he was being asked that question. 

"I'm handsome too," Seo-jun spoke up, upset upon hearing Soo-jin agree that some baseball player was good looking. 

"He's a good player." Suho simply said wanting the attention off of him. 

"He's the best, he's always practicing." Areum added realizing what Soo-jin was doing while the girls on the bus swoon over the topic of Hyung-jin. 

"He's such a heartthrob."

"Areum's so lucky."

"I think Hyung-jin's the lucky one."

"I always thought Areum would end up with Suho but I guess not." 

Areum and Suho both turned their attentions, along with a few other students, to the student that said the last sentence. The student looked nervous seeing that he was caught in the middle of an intense stare between two people.

"Well unexpected things do happen," Jugyeong spoke up as the eye contact between Suho and Areum broke. 

"You're right, they do." Areum forced a smile her way, remembering the fact that Suho may not like Jugyeong anymore. Jugyeong was confused on why Areum was smiling at her but didn't say anything about it since she knew that if they got into an argument not many people would be on her side. 

"Jugyeong you must have someone to right?" Cho-rang spoke up looking over to her.

"Our second school goddess probably already has a boyfriend," Another friend of Seo-jun's spoke up alongside Cho-rang. 

'Second?' Jugyeong thought frowning at that adjective before the word 'goddess'. 

She hated the fact that she was bullied for her looks at her old school and loved the fact that she was loved and had so much attention at Saebom High School. Before Areum returned her label was 'the goddess of Saebom High' and for some reason being called the 'second goddess', rubbed her in the wrong way.

"Are you going to answer?" Soo-ah asked while everyone on the bus stared at Jugyeong. 

Jugyeong glanced over to Suho expecting him to make eye contact with her, but was confused when he didn't spare a glance her way but instead looking at Areum.

"No I don't have a boyfriend but I like someone," Jugyeong said hoping Suho would hear her words and look her way, but he never did.

The students who noticed the way Jugyeong looked at Suho while he looked at Areum realized what was going on. 

"You like Lee Suho don't you?" Soo-ah whispered over to Jugyeong who nodded looking down. 

Then Soo-ah put her arm around Jugyeong in an effort to comfort her, "I'm sorry he doesn't like you back, you'll find someone eventually." 

Jugyeong frowned at her words. 'You were suppose to comfort me and tell me that he might like me,' Jugyeong thought while glaring back towards Areum who had sat back down in her seat so she couldn't see Jugyeong glaring at her. 


Sorry for the slow updates, exams are coming up and I need to study. I'll still be updating of course but I apologize for slower updates.  💗

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