Chapter 19 - Kidnapped

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A notification from her phone interrupted Areum's thoughts as she walked home after a late night tutoring session, making her stop to take her phone out of her book bag.

Seeing an unknown number she started getting nervous until she read the message.

'Hello, it's Seo-jun I saved my number to your phone.' She read out loud.

A nearby student stopped as soon as he heard the girl say Seo-jun's name. He mentioned for his friends to follow him as he walked up behind the girl.

"Boo," he said into Areum's ear making her shriek and turn around. She was now terrified since she was the only girl standing in front of five to six guys.

"Who are you and what do you want," Areum said nervously while clutching onto her backpack in case she had to use it as a weapon.

'Fuck you Suho, you couldn't even walk with me cause you had to meet up with Jugyeong and now look where I'm at.' Areum thought bitterly putting the blame on Suho, even though it wasn't exactly all of his fault.

"Do you know Han Seo-jun?" He asked as the rest of the boys began circling around her.

Areum shook her head hoping that they'd let her go. However one of the boys grabbed her phone as she was distracted and read the message that she had pulled up.

He handed over to the boy who seemed like he was the 'leader' of the group and with a snap of the fingers from the leader, the boys started grabbing and dragging her somewhere, to use as a bait.


'Yeah keep smoking, hopefully that will kill you instead of me once your minions leave,' Areum said in her head as her kidnapped waved a cigarette in front of her face trying to get a reaction in front of her.

"We got another one boss," a kid said as the door opened and he walking in dragging another girl behind him.

Areum looked up and scoffed seeing Jugyeong. 'This could not get any worse.'

"I'm pretty sure this one is his girlfriend," He said as Jugyeong began shaking her head begging him to let her go.

"Put her on the couch next to that one," the boss said pointed at Areum.

"I have a name bitch ass," Areum mumbled as Jugyeong was thrown next to her.

"Why are you here?" Jugyeong asked looking over to Areum who let out a fake chuckle.

"Oh I was just walking home and then I saw these boys and thought, 'oh wow I want to be kidnapped' so I went over and begged them to take me here for the experience." Areum said sarcastically as the boys began singing karaoke.

"A simply 'I got kidnapped' would've been a fine answer," Jugyeong retorted.

"You really couldn't put pieces together to figure that out?" Areum sat up annoyed.

The boss who watched the two girls interact smirked as he walked up closer to them.

"Now, now, girls, I'm sure Seo-jun has enough room in his heart for the both of you. Now call him and put him on speaker," He said as he took a seat in between the girls and placed his arms over both of their shoulders.

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