Chapter 33 - Business Dinner

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Business Dinner

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"Si-hyuk! Areum!" Mr. Kang and Mr. Lee greeted as Areum approached the table with her father. She quickly took a seat next to Soo-jin while her father took a seat in front of her. 

"Hey how are you?" Areum whispered to Soo-jin quietly knowing that she hated to be around her father, and the fact that their parents always took forever during their business talks didn't settle well with Soo-jin.

Soo-jin didn't say anything but only nodded and sent Areum a smile so she knew that she was okay before picking up her fork and knife to cut the steak meal that her father had ordered for everyone. 

"Why were you guys late?" Suho whispered curiously in Areum's ear as he ate some of the asparagus that came with the meal. 

"He had to help finish filming an episode of Run BTS," Areum answered with a smile on her face remembering the seven funny boys she had just watched before coming to the restaurant. 

"Hey you still have to get me Yoongi's signature," Soo-jin nudged Areum teasingly, joining in on the conversation between her and Suho while the adults were busy talking.

"Just come to the building with me next week," Areum replied before taking a sip of water. 

"Oh I most definitely will." 

"Suho, Areum, how are your studies?" Mr. Kang spoke up interrupting their conversation as he placed down his glass of wine.

"Doing well sir." Areum answered politely while Suho nodded sharing the same answer as her. 

Soo-jin gripped onto her utensils feeling panicked since she had a bad feeling about where this conversation was heading. 'Must he always talk about school?'

"Suho I've heard that you're brilliant," Mrs. Kang complimented while Suho thanked her. 

"Smart and handsome, he'd go well with my Soo-jin." She said while Mr. Lee chuckled and Soo-jin made a disgusted face. Areum and Suho sat there awkwardly and avoided making eye contact with everyone at the table. 

"Soo-jin doesn't need to be dating, she should spend more time studying. Suho, I've heard you're ranked first right?" Mr. Kang asked and Areum watched with concern as Soo-jin grip on her fork got tighter. 

Suho nodded in confirmation while Mr. Kang sent an irritated look towards Soo-jin before quickly placing a smile on his face as he faced Suho once again. 

"In that case could you help Soo-jin with her studies? The girl isn't very smart, I don't think she's even passed a test with an 100%. You can even help Areum while you're at it, ranked third right?" Mr. Kang asked thinking that he was only joking but in reality he didn't know how much those words were harming his only daughter. 

Soo-jin dropped her fork and knife and instantly got ready to harm her hands once more but thankfully Areum had heard the noise and instantly placed her hands on Soo-jin's preventing her from doing any harm to herself. 

"Now, now, my daughter can study on her own. She manages to rank third, which is impressive, while still helping me with my company. I think she's doing perfectly fine." Si-hyuk spoke up not liking the words Soo-jin's father said about his daughter. 'Keep talking like that and we'll see how well your hospital does.' 

"Of course she's impressive, I just worry for Soo-jin of course. How will she get into med school without being first?" Mr. Kang chuckled nervously while Soo-jin looked down into her lap. 

Areum had heard enough from Mr. Kang and instantly stood up catching the attention of everyone at the table. 

"I'm terribly sorry to cut this dinner short, but we actually have a study session to attend," she said trying best to keep her composure since she was not the biggest fan of Mr. Kang. 

"This late?" He question raising an eyebrow while Si-hyuk rolled his eyes. 

"Just let them go, weren't you just talking about how you wanted Soo-jin to study more?" Si-hyuk spoke up coming to his daughter's aid knowing that studying wasn't actually in her plans. 

"I suppose," Mr. Kang nodded as the three teenagers bowed and took their leave after being dismissed. 

"Your father's really got some nerve," Suho said as he walked alongside the two girls after they all decided to get ice-cream. 

"He should be thankfully that we are taught to respect our elders, or else he would've had to catch his hands," Areum said jokingly, kind of, as Soo-jin let out a small smile. 

"Thank you guys for saving me, I think I would've died if I had to stay there any longer." Soo-jin admitted, thankful that she had such good friends. 

"Of course, plus I think he would've ended up with water splashed all over him from Areum if we didn't leave." Suho teased bumping into Areum who scoffed. 

"I would not have! I just said I respect our elders!" She protested shoving Suho lightly. 

"Okay love birds, some of us are still single here!" Soo-jin exclaimed jokingly while Areum wiggled her eyebrows at her. 

"Single? Are we sure about that," Areum said pretending to think before turning to Suho and grabbing her phone out of her purse. 

"Should we call Seo-jun and ask?" 

Soo-jin instantly pushed Areum into Suho at her words, not realizing that due to the impact Areum's finger accidentally touched the screen which resulting in calling Seo-jun, while a smile started to form on her face. 

"We could even FaceTime him!" Suho added laughing at the way Soo-jin's face was heating up as they both teased her. He was happy that she was smiling now in contrast of her at the restaurant. 

"Oh shut up! You two are so cruel," Soo-jin huffed as she fanned herself while Suho and Areum laughed at her actions. 


The three of them froze at the sound of Seo-jun's voice coming from Areum's phone. 

"What the fuck?" Suho mouthed as Soo-jin grew panicked begging Areum to end the call. 

Thankfully Areum got the hint and held her phone up to her ear. 

"Hello is this the pizza place?" She lied hoping that he would end the call so the whole situation didn't look suspicious. 

"Really the pizza place?" Suho whispered screamed while Areum shushed him. 

"Umm not this is Seo-jun...

"Oh hey Seo-jun! I thought I called the pizza place I'm so sorry," Areum laughed nervously as Suho tried to not laugh at her and Soo-jin was trying to hear Seo-jun's voice from the other side of the phone. 

"No worries, have a good night bye.

Areum and Soo-jin let out breaths of relief once he hung up. 

"You should've seen the look on Soo-jin's face," Suho laughed as soon as Seo-jun hung up. 

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm glad you found that funny." Soo-jin said teasingly as they continued to walk and eat the ice cream that they had bought.


Kind of a filler chapter, I wanted to strengthen the friendship between the three <3

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