Chapter 27 - Drowning Necklace

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Drowning Necklace

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"AREUM WAIT,"  Suho yelled as he sprinted after the girl that ran faster once she found out who was following her. 

Areum didn't want to face Suho while she was still in distraught cause she knew he'd ask about it. She was also sure that they were going to date after this and she didn't want to be a homewrecker. 

She had to think of somewhere to hide quickly since she was running out of breath. She quickly ran and hid herself behind a tree hoping Suho would keep running. 

Since she didn't hear any footsteps she walked out from behind a turn sighing in relief. Suddenly someone grabbed her wrist and turned her around.

She soon found herself in the embrace of Lee Suho. 

Suho wrapped his arm around Areum rubbing her back while the other patted the back of her head, keeping her close to him. 

The girl in his arms knew she shouldn't be thinking this way, but she felt comforted in the arms of Suho. 

Areum was about to wrap her arms around him, but then she remembered what had just happened and immediately pushed him away. 

'Did he hold her like that as well?' She thought as Suho stumbled back from the force Areum had used to push him off of her. 

"Go away," Areum mumbled and walked in the opposite direction, but Suho hurried over and stood in front of her to stop her. 

"We need to talk," He said placing both of his on her shoulders while Areum groaned and pushed them off. 

"No we don't." She replied trying to walk away but he was blocking her from every path making her frustrated. 

"SUHO MOVE," she shouted trying to push him away but he didn't budge but simply moved even closer to her.

"What happened to us?" Suho asked then frowned since Areum didn't reply to him but simply turned her head away from him. 

"I don't know," Areum half admitted. She wanted to tell him about her feelings, but how could she do it right after he just confessed to someone else? 

"Why are you mad at me?" Suho asked desperately wanting to figure it out. He mentioned for her to follow him over to a bench where they could sit, and for Suho's sake, work out their problems. 

Areum sat down next to him without saying a word nor facing him. 

Nothing was heard except for the rustling of the trees every once a while when the wind passed by. 

Suho, who grew irritated at the fact that Areum was simply wasting his time, stood up but accidentally dropped the necklace that he had planned on giving Jugyeong, onto the ground catching Areum's attention. 

"What's that?" She asked while Suho picked it up and wiped the dirt off of it.

He quickly placed it back into his pocket as he turned facing Areum who was still sitting on the bench. 

"I never got to give it to Jugyeong since someone's friends interrupted us," Suho said raising an eyebrow at Areum who scoffed at his words. Areum crossed her arms and rolled her eyes while Suho grew curious of her sudden attitude. 

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