Chapter 18 - Lunch Invitation

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Lunch Invitation 

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"Does it still hurt?" Areum asked Soo-jin as she examined Soo-jin cheek. Soo-jin who told her friend how her father had physically abused her shook her head assuring her that she was okay now. 

The two girls were out walking around the city since they didn't have school or any tutoring today. 

"Why is everyone at the sauna?" Soo-jin asked as she scrolled through her phone. 

"Agreed, I'd rather sit in the cold than in a hot place," Areum replied as the two walked into a burger place to get food. 

The girls ordered two burgers and drinks and sat down at a booth near the door. 

As Areum unwrapped her order getting ready to take a bite out of it she spots Jugyeong running in with no makeup and a wallet in her hand. 

"Do you know her?" Soo-jin asked seeing Areum stare at her. Areum didn't want to tell Soo-jin Jugyeong's secret, but Soo-jin has been her closest friend lately due to Suho being distant. 

"I'll tell you later," Areum said looking away from her but was soon stopped when she overhead a soft scream. 

Instantly looking over she sees Jugyeong on the floor with three girls towering over her. 

"Lim Jugyeong?" The middle girl said surprised as she crossed her arms as the two girls beside her snickered at Jugyeong's frightened state. 

'Who are they?' Areum thought trying to recognize them but she concluded that she had no idea who they were. 

Areum couldn't hear the rest of what they said but due to Jugyeong's panicked movements she knew it couldn't be good. 

"Are they bullying that girl?" Soo-jin asked looking over as well while Areum stood up and walked over to them. 

"What's going on?" She asked demanding for an answer and Jugyeong nodded a thanks to her before rushing off. 

"Who are you?" Park Se-mi asked looking her up and down as Soo-jin walked over to Areum in her defense. 

"Someone on a higher level than you," Areum replied before picking up the wallet that Jugyeong dropped. 

"I need that thank you," Se-mi said taking the wallet out of Areum's hands before opening it. 

Soo-jin walked over trying to grab it out of her hands until another pair of hands grabbed it making both girls look over. 

"Who are you people, and why are you in our business," Se-mi and her minions shouted. 

"Her classmates," Areum replied making Soo-jin look at her in surprise while Suho glared at her for revealing Jugyeong's secret to Soo-jin. 

Areum was taken back by Suho's glare and didn't get the chance to say anything before he ran off. 

"Come on!" Areum said as she and Soo-jin ran after him trying to catch up. 

They ran out but couldn't see him anywhere as if he disappeared. 

"Where did he-," Soo-jin said before stopped seeing the Areum had seem to already find him. 

There was Suho towering over Jugyeong with his hands pressed above her, while wearing the jacket Areum had bought for him. 

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