Chapter 32 - Media

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"I can't believe the school year's almost over," Areum sighed as she stepped over a pile of leaves. 

Suho nodded in agreement as he walked alongside her letting her be on the inner side of the sidewalk so she wasn't walking along the busy roads of Seoul. Seoul was pretty at night, bright lights and music filled the streets. 

"Any plans after high school?"

Areum nodded, "I plan to go to business school so I know how to manage a company." 

"And you?"

Suho sighed. He didn't have a clue on what he wanted to do. Music was still in his heart. But he couldn't bring himself to produce any especially after the death of his friend. His music room would be staying locked forever. 

Areum saw the frown on his face and the way crinkles formed on his forehead and knew what he was thinking about. She linked her arm with his helping him break away from his thoughts. 

"Ever thought of being a model?" She asked. If he didn't want to sing, why not model? He sure has the face for it. 

Suho quickly shook his head. There was no way he wanted to copy what Seo-jun did. That would hurt his ego. 

"If I don't find a job I'll just go live with you," Suho replied jokingly at the girl who scoffed at his words. 

"Live with me? Please you're loaded with money, find your own apartment." 

"Okay Ms. Billionaire." 

"Oh my gosh, Suho look a cafe!" Areum exclaimed before dragging Suho inside with her. Suho wasn't complaining though, he was happy that they were returning back to normal. 

As they entered the cafe, the smell of baked pastries and freshly brewed coffee immediately gave Areum serotonin.

However Areum's excitement completely evaporated once she saw who was working at the cashier. 

Jugyeong mood also died down once she saw who walked into the cafe during her work shift. She quickly fixed her hat hoping to look presentable, even though she didn't like the girl that just walked in she at least wanted to look professional since she was the server. 

"Hello how may I take your order?" Jugyeong asked with her voice laced with fake sweetness as they approached the counter. 

"A slice of red velvet cake please," Areum said as she went to grab her credit card from her purse. 

"A vanilla milkshake will do for me," Suho said and handed over his credit card to pay for both treats while Areum was still looking for her card. 

Jugyeong took the card tried to not roll her eyes at his sweet gesture. 

"Here you go," Areum said holding out her card to Jugyeong who was giving Suho's card back to him. 

"He already paid." Jugyeong said in monotone before going to fix up their treats. 

"Oh okay, thanks." Areum said placing her card back as Suho led her to a table. 

"Are you ready to become a business woman?" Suho teasingly asked referring back to their previous topic. Areum chuckled and grabbed Suho's hand to toy with his ring, "I already am one."

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