Chapter 31 - Pictures

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After checking the time on the clock Areum grabbed her school bag and got ready to leave for school. 

"Hello," Suho greeted as Areum opened the door, ready to leave. 

Suho moved back as Areum walked out and locked her apartment door, "What are you doing here?"

"Walking with you to school," he said as they began walking together. Things were settling back in place for the two. Suho was buying her drinks again, they were walking together again, they were talking again, however it was exactly the same. Their friendship was no longer just friendly feelings and both of them knew that but wasn't sure how to address it. 

"I'm actually taking the bus today," Areum said as they got near the bus stop. 

"I'll ride it with you then."

Areum nodded as the both of them took seats at the bus stop to wait for the bus. 

As the bus arrived, the two of them noticed how there wasn't enough seats where they could sit together so they just stood and held on to the handles. 

"You're going to the dinner right?" Suho asked as he read the text messages between Areum and her father, while resting his head on her shoulder. 

"Yeah. Soo-jin's father invited us. You'll be there too right?" 

Suho nodded as a reply but grew suspicious as he noticed an older man sitting on the seat next to Areum, kept 'stretching' his arm. 

He quickly pulled her closer to him thinking that the guy was going to hit her with his arm but his eyes widened once he realized he was actually holding a phone and trying to take pictures under her skirt. 

"HEY!" He yelled pulling Areum behind him and trying to grab the phone. But unfortunately the bus stopped and the man had the perfect opportunity to run. 

As the man stumbled up and ran off the bus, Suho instantly went running after him with Areum following behind. With Areum's quick thinking, she removed her backpack and threw it at the guy in front of Suho, taking him down while Suho tackled him and made sure he couldn't escape. 

"You perverted asshole," Suho mumbled as he grabbed both arms of the man while Areum snatched his phone. 

Suho quickly got off the man and turned him over to nearby authorities, "check his phone!"

As they watched the cops take the man away Areum quickly wrapped her arms around Suho, who wasted no time wrapping his arms around her. She was so thankfully for Suho noticing or else the man would've gotten away with it. 

"Thank you," she mumbled in his chest before removing her arms around him. 

"I promised your father to protect you, you shouldn't thank me for doing my job." he said before getting a taxi for the two of them to get to school. 


"There's our school goddess," Sang-jin teased as Areum walked in with Suho following behind.

"And Suho." he quickly added once he saw Suho. 

As Areum walked to her desk Tae-hoon instantly went to Suho's side and began loudly whispering. 

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